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How to Deal with Depression in Sobriety

Depression is a mental illness that can occur multiple times. The American Psychiatric Association even said that half of the people diagnosed with major depression often suffer a second episode. Apparently, 80% of those who suffered a second episode ends up having a third episode as well. The exact cause of depression is still a mystery yet it is connected to traumatic events, family history of depression, and addiction to alcohol and substance.

Addiction and Depression

Depression episode is different for every depressed individual. However, the symptoms are always the same. A depressed individual feels worthless, anxious, irritable, and lacks concentration among others. For a person who just came out of rehab, depression is always expected.

A sober alcoholic often comes with these symptoms of depression:

  • Feeling hopeless
  • Feeling guilty of why he or she became an addict
  • Feeling tired of everything around him or her
  • Wanting to taste alcohol or drugs again

Depression relapse can challenge your sobriety. This is normal. What you have to do is to acknowledge it. You are feeling depressed and you have to accept what’s coming, the symptoms. Once you accepted it, take your medication. People who are from a detox do self-medication. Be aware of how long you have been suffering. If it is taking more than a week, you better check with your doctor.

Treating Depression

For a recovering addict, treating depression can be difficult. In fact, treating depression alone is difficult. During recovery, sobriety can be put at risk once depression sets in. Imagine waking up with a sinking feeling. The next thing you know, you are reaching out a bottle of vodka again. For this reason, it is important to stay connected with a support group.

If you just came out from a rehab, ask your treatment program provider if they can suggest a support group for you. Keep your family close as well. Your family’s love and support can go a long way to continue your recovery and to fight attacks of depression.

Knowing the Symptoms of Depression

If you just came out of a treatment facility, you should be aware of the symptoms of depression. Your full recovery depends on understanding these symptoms and taking appropriate steps to deal with it.

  • Inability to sleep or having excessive sleep
  • Losing interest with your regular routine
  • Lack of energy even when you haven’t done anything yet
  • Losing focus or having a shorter span of attention
  • Losing or having an excessive appetite
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Feeling worthless
  • Feeling anxious for no reason
  • Having thoughts of death and how it can help you gain peace of mind

Watching out for Relapse

If you are able to maintain your sobriety, chances are you won’t have relapses. Being sober will help you watch out for possible symptoms of depression. If you can address the symptoms before it gets worst, you have a chance to beat depression and relapses.

Surviving a severe depression should be considered a victory. If you went through one and got through it, be proud of yourself. It is a big achievement. If you are feeling okay, don’t settle with it. You should find ways to feel much better. That way, you can avoid having a relapse.

To fight depression and relapse, you should slowly gain your self-worth from within. Self-worth that comes from within means knowing your worth as a person and loving yourself. After recovery, you often receive positive reinforcement and applauses from friends, families, and loved ones. These praises often become your external validation of self-worth. This is dangerous. Once the hype is gone and no one praises you anymore, you will start feeling down again and relapse can set it.

Still Struggling with Sobriety and Depression?

Dealing with addiction and depression can make you feel like you have nowhere to go. It can make you feel like a sore loser. It is important for you to remember that you are not. Remember, when you are so down, there is no other way but to go up. This is what recovery is all about.

The road to complete recovery and sobriety is by admitting that you have a problem. Once you accept this fact, you can start taking a treatment program. If you are in the Hollywood, CA area, you can check rehab facilities that offer treatment programs for alcoholics. Most facilities in the CA area like Grace Recovery comes with stare-of-the-art- addiction treatment program that can help you with your addiction.

Aside from getting treated with the latest substance abuse programming from Grace Recovery, they can also offer you extended support to prevent depression from setting in. They can provide you with a holistic or group therapy, depending on what suits your personality. Don’t let depression steal your sobriety. You worked hard to be sober so continue working hard to fight depression as well.

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