Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Why It’s Necessary

Drug abuse is not a simple issue. For most of those suffering from an addiction, simply going through detox and deciding not to use again is not enough to actually curb the problem. Instead, increasing research shows that the key to long-term recovery from addiction is a combination of behavioral and mental health approaches. 

If you or a loved one are currently suffering from addiction and a mental health disorder(s), here’s what you need to know. 

What Is a Dual Diagnosis Program? 

Drug addiction and mental health issues are often referred to as Co-occurring Disorders, the two have a direct effect on each other. If the mental health aspect is left untreated, for example, affected individuals may turn back to drug abuse (either the same substance or a different one from before) in order to ease their symptoms.

Modern dual-diagnosis treatment works to prevent this by treating addiction and mental health disorders at the same time. While working on curbing addictive behavior, individuals are able to confront the mental aspect that causes the behavior in the first place.

Now, every case is different and the details of each person’s addiction treatment program will vary as a result. This is why at Grace Recovery, we take the time to diagnose patients upfront and lay out a detailed plan for recovery. Many patients will need to go through detox before intensive treatment can begin, but this stage will only be the beginning. The goal is to achieve long-term addiction recovery by getting to the root of the problem and treating it accordingly. What follows is often a combination of group and individual therapy, mental health counseling (and as needed, medical care), and behavioral therapy.

What Are the Benefits?

The primary benefit of dual-diagnosis treatment is the increased likelihood of long-term addiction recovery. That said, there are other benefits to consider as well:

  • Individualized care – A dual-diagnosis program acknowledges that there are many different root causes of addiction and works to treat them on a more personal level than other kinds of addiction treatment programs. 
  • Better understanding of your condition – Many people abuse substances without fully being able to explain why. A dual-diagnosis program can bring peace of mind by helping you better understand your behavior and how you can regain control.
  • Steady progress – Because the treatment goes beyond just detox, patients are able to take the time to really change. Each day is a new opportunity to learn new skills and make progress. 
  • Improve health – Health is both in the body and the mind. A dual-diagnosis program covers both and helps patients become healthier in every aspect. 

Why Is It Necessary?

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, nearly 10 million American adults suffer from both a mental illness and drug abuse problem every year. And that’s just including those who were officially diagnosed with both kinds of disorders. Many of those suffering from addiction do not even have the opportunity for their mental health to be examined, allowing the lead cause to go ignored. And because dual-diagnosis programs are still relatively new, many other people still do not have the opportunity to treat both areas, thus letting the vicious cycle of addiction continue.

But while many of today’s addiction treatment programs are based on older research and focus on addiction’s physical aspects, the dual-diagnosis programs that are rising up provide a source of hope. As mentioned earlier, it is imperative to treat the root cause of drug abuse in order to successfully end it. Research also shows that individuals who focus on changing their behavior while identifying their mental urge to abuse drugs and alcohol at the same time have higher long-term success rates. This focused treatment then flows into aftercare, which often include mental health counseling for months or even years following the initial treatment program. Dual-diagnosis treatment is therefore necessary, and without it, relapse rates remain all too high. 

Let Us Help

We pride ourselves on going far beyond basic addiction treatment at Grace Recovery. Our approach diagnoses both addiction and the mental health disorders (anxiety, depression, etc.) that go in conjunction. Patients are then able to undergo intensive treatment in both areas at our state-of-the-art facility in Hollywood, CA. We believe that dual-diagnosis treatment is not just beneficial — it is necessary for long-term recovery. We invite you to get in touch to learn more about how we can help you. 


Ties Between Alcoholism and Anxiety

One of the reasons that alcoholism can be difficult to treat is that it often presents alongside anxiety. Managing the alcoholism is only one piece of the puzzle. A high-quality rehab program will address underlying and co-occurring mental disorders, such as anxiety. Learning more about the ties between alcoholism and anxiety could help you or a loved one seek out the best treatment for your needs. What Causes Alcoholism? Nobody knows what causes alcoholism. Alcohol use disorder usually starts when someone consistently drinks so much that the reward centers in the brain tell them to keep doing so if they want to feel pleasure. This makes individuals want to consume alcohol more frequently or in higher doses. Eventually, they no longer get pleasure from drinking, but they may have trouble quitting because they experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when they stop consuming alcohol. Does Anxiety Cause Alcoholism? Alcoholism and anxiety often go hand in hand. Anxiety may be one element that influences the development of alcohol use disorder. However, not everyone with anxiety develops alcoholism. Anxiety can develop because someone has a substance abuse disorder. As alcoholism causes detrimental effects in someone’s life, they may develop anxiety while they try to keep it together. In some cases, alcoholism and anxiety create a vicious cycle. Regardless of which problem occurs first, the two disorders feed off of one another. This cycle makes people feel as though they’re spinning out of control. Anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia are risk factors for alcoholism. Because consuming alcohol numbs uncomfortable feelings, people with mental health disorders may try to self-medicate by using the substance. They might drink to relax or to reduce social anxiety. The Best Rehab Centers Treat Alcoholism and Anxiety If they don’t develop other methods of coping with stress and apprehension, people who use alcohol to take the edge off may turn to it more frequently. They usually develop a tolerance, making them want to drink more to feel the same effects. A reputable and effective rehab program should be able to help people manage the effects of withdrawal as they detox from the substance, get support for their addiction, and learn how to move forward without using substances. An anxiety treatment center that offers evidence-based, holistic approaches to addiction treats the whole person. At Grace Recovery, we use the following methods to help people succeed in sobriety while coping with their anxiety: 12-step community Meditation Acupuncture Dual diagnosis treatment On-site detox Instead of getting our clients in and out, we base our treatment programs on individual needs. We have found that most people need at least 90 days of alcoholism and anxiety therapy for the best outcomes. If you’re ready to find healthy ways to manage your anxiety and release yourself from the clutches of alcoholism, call Grace Recovery at *DM_DirectNumber format=period* today.

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Is It Dangerous to Use Alcohol and Adderall Together?

It’s always dangerous to mix drugs, no matter the type of substance. However, some drugs are more dangerous to mix than others. In fact, people often wonder if they can mix alcohol and Adderall. Learning more about these two drugs can educate people on how dangerous they are together. What Is Adderall? Most people know what alcohol is. It’s a depressant that they can buy in nearly any store. With that said, not everyone knows what Adderall is unless their doctors prescribe it to them. Basically, it’s a stimulant that doctors prescribe to people who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. On the subject of Adderall, it’s important to note that it’s a Schedule II drug. This category means that it’s a controlled substance and has a high potential for abuse. In fact, many college students use Adderall as a study aid because it produces intense focus. Other people abuse the drug to enhance their performance in school and job activities. The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Adderall Both of these drugs have the potential to cause the body harm. When people take them both, the chances increase significantly. However, why do people mix these drugs? The main reason is that they think that alcohol and Adderall cancel each other out. They have this belief because alcohol is a depressant, whereas Adderall is a stimulant. As a result, they think that taking more of one cancels out the effects of the lower-dosed drug. In reality, the two drugs battle each other and cause different effects in the body. Also, taking both drugs can make it difficult for people to know how much of each drug they took. For example, when they take Adderall with alcohol, they often forget how much alcohol that they’ve had. While Adderall keeps them sharp and alert, alcohol does the opposite. As a result, they drink more alcohol, which can lead to alcohol poisoning. People who reach this point likely need an alcohol detox program. People who mix alcohol and Adderall also tend to have aggressive behavior. Alcohol lowers their inhibitions, but Adderall can make them aggressive. When they take both, they’re more likely to act on their aggression. We Can Help You Fight Against Addiction Don’t let your addiction to Adderall or alcohol cause you any more problems. At Grace Recovery, we help people just like you take control of their lives. We create custom treatment plans for all of our clients. Some of the programs that you can expect to find at our facility include: Residential rehab Meditation Acupuncture Dual diagnosis treatment Individual and group therapies Don’t let these addictive drugs prevent you from living your best life. Let our expert addiction treatment team help you fight against alcohol and Adderall addiction. Reach out to us at *DM_DirectNumber format=period* for aid.

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Tips for Explaining Depression to My Mother

Explaining depression to anyone is a difficult task unless they have experience with it. However, explaining it to someone you love is even harder. For some people, there’s no harder person to explain depression to than their mothers. Because of that, it’s common for them to ask, “What are some tips for explaining depression to my mother?” How Should I Go About Explaining Depression to My Mother? Admitting that you have depression is just the first step in getting over it. Next, you need to let others around you know that you suffer from depression. This step includes talking to your mom about it. Since this task could be the hardest, you might ask, “What are some tips for explaining depression to my mother?” Get Help From a Rehab Center First, you have to ask yourself why you’re afraid to tell your mom that you have depression. If you’re worried that she won’t understand, then you might want to get professional help. Addiction and depression treatment centers tend to offer dual diagnosis treatment for those with addiction and mental disorders such as depression. For this reason, they can break the news to your mother in a peaceful way that she can understand. In fact, rehab facilities often offer family therapy. This service acts as an educational course for those who don’t know much about addiction or other mental illnesses. It’s usually part of a dual diagnosis program. Through this counseling method, you can gain professional assistance to tell your mom. Starting the Conversation If you want to do it yourself, the first step is just to start the conversation. Believe it or not, there isn’t a special strategy. Remember that she’s your mother, so you should be able to talk to her about anything. However, you could try beginning the conversation by saying that you have something to talk to her about. Afterward, simply explain how you’ve felt recently. Remember not to get too emotional. Instead, stay calm to help your mother stay calm as well. Plan Out What You Will Say Lastly, if you don’t know what to say, it’s hard to explain depression to anyone. Before you approach your mom, plan out your wording. In the end, you’ll likely feel better about telling her once you work out everything that you want to say. Get the Help That You Need Today to Overcome Depression and Addiction Getting treatment for depression is important because it can quickly lead to substance abuse. At Grace Recovery, we help people with comprehensive addiction and depression treatment. We aim to provide quality treatment that you can count on. Some of the services that we offer include: On-site detox Residential treatment Aftercare Meditation Acupuncture Get more answers to your question, “What are some tips for explaining depression to my mother?” Don’t let the fear of telling your mom keep you from getting treatment for depression. Reach out to us today at *DM_DirectNumber format=period* so that we can help you.

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