The Benefits of Group Therapy

Recovery can be difficult. This is a well-known truth. However, having the benefit of others around you that understand your struggle can be a lifesaver. Instead of feeling alienated am misunderstood, you’re surrounded by people who’ve been through the same things. Group therapy has the ability to create a sense of community among people on the same journey. The process embraces the individual and acts as a catalyst for greater bonding and understanding. Regardless of the addiction, group therapy creates a safe haven for people struggling with many of the same adversities. However, it does many other things too.


The goal of group therapy is to create a warm, understanding, and safe environment. Placing the chairs in a circular pattern makes it easy to see everyone in the group and invites open and honest conversation. The small close-knit group builds a sense of community. This is beneficial as members transition into society and meets people. Patients are able to rebuild their confidence and start all over again. In essence, group therapy helps members express themselves, and find their authentic voice.


It helps to have someone with you on your recovery journey. Group therapy brings members together as a support system for one another. Often, the addiction process isolates members from friends and family. It can leave members feeling isolated and rejected. Group members often come together to fill that void building bonds that will last throughout the recovery process and beyond. This companionship is also an important part of the recovery process. It brings members together and helps form strong friendships with others that may have been through the same thing.


Group therapy also cultivates reflective insights. Other members often bring a fresh perspective to the table which allows you to look at the situation differently. Often times, a member may be too close to his or her situation, making it difficult to truly see the situation holistically. Sharing your experiences with other members brings a fresh new perspective that a member may not have been able to see or understand on his or her own. Members are able to gain powerful insight which is also part of the powerful healing process.

Affordable Help

Group therapy is often free or very low cost. Members have access to counseling and support without having to worry about affordability. This type of support is vital to the recovery process because members can focus on getting well without worrying about money. Members can take advantage of all the advice, insight, and support of other members. Rehab is designed to benefit every member involved.

Putting It All Together

Group therapy can be an important part of your recovery process if you let it. Take advantage of the camaraderie and support that other members offer. It’s also a good idea to be as open and honest as possible. This also invites help and support. There are many things that you can do to get the most out of group therapy. Be open and honest with other members during therapy sessions. It may also help to keep a recovery journal and write your feelings and thoughts. You can even offer ideas if they come to mind during therapy. Hold yourself and others accountable. This will help yourself and other members stay on track or get back on track if they fall off. Consistency and participation are key.

An addiction problem isn’t the end of the world. With the right support system along with consistency, recovery is possible. Stay the course and use all the resources available. This is not a journey you have to take along. Your support system is there to help you if you stumble or when times get hard. Even if you fell, all you have to do is get back up and start again. Perfection isn’t the goal. Instead, sincere consistent effort is the goal. Consistency leads to better choices and habits that will continue to serve you well beyond your recovery.