Top 5 Signs of Depression and How To Get Help

All of us, at some point in life, face sadness, loneliness, and depression. It is the rational way to react to life challenges, loss, damaged self-esteem, and heartbreaks. However, these feelings can quickly change from normal to real physical symptoms of depression, mental health, and stress, especially when they last longer, get worse by the day or prevent you from running your day smoothly. That’s when it’s time to seek medical help.

Your regular doctor should check for depression and mental health in order to administer the right treatment or refer you to an expert. Recognizing and accepting to be helped is key to proper recovery as most people never know they have depression and therefore never seek help.

What is Depression?

Like already mentioned, depression is characterized by longer-lasting hopelessness and despair. Depression naturally changes how you feel, think, and function in your daily activities. It can quickly interfere with your ability to work, eat, study, sleep, and see the positivity of life. Just getting through the day can seem overwhelming, and many people often describe this as a feeling of impending doom or “living in a black hole.” Others describe it as feeling empty, apathetic, and lifeless. Men may feel restless and angry.

However, its imperative to keep in mind that depression can quickly get serious if left untreated. Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness should never be overlooked but do not necessarily have to be the reality of your situation. By understanding the source of your depression and knowing what to look for in the signs and symptoms, you can take the first steps towards your treatment and recovery journey.

Signs of Depression

While hopelessness and helplessness are easy to recognize, there are many other symptoms that may be less obvious and difficult to detect. However, it’s essential to note that some of these signs may also be signs of other underlying medical issues. If you have the following symptoms, it’s time to see your doctor and start a treatment and recovery plan.

1. Weird Sleeping Habits

Depression is characterized by a change in sleeping habits as there is a strong link to moods and sleep. Lack of sleep naturally contributes to depression, and on the other hand, depression will make it difficult to sleep. Based on a study by the National Sleep Foundation, people who don’t sleep or people with insomnia are ten times more likely to have depression than those who usually sleep. Consequently, oversleeping or sleeping too much can also indicate depression.

2. Fatigue

It’s not reasonable to feel excessive fatigue when you haven’t done any physical work. Extreme tiredness is one sure sign of depression. However, it may also be a sign of another illness or condition. While its normal to feel tired once in a while, persistent or continuous fatigue, particularly if it is accompanied by other symptoms listed in this article, may signal depression.

3. Weight Changes and Appetite

Diseases and conditions can significantly contribute to appetite and weight changes. However, eating too much or too little also signals depression. Some depressed individuals may turn to food for comfort while others may completely lose interest in food or have a bad raw mood to food, hence eating little. These changes in eating habits have a consequence of gaining or losing weight. Dramatic weight changes can exacerbate depression as they also come with lowering self-esteem.

4. Drug Use and Alcohol

Some people may turn to drug use and alcohol to help them deal with their feelings of loneliness, sadness, and helplessness. According to the report by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), around 1 in 5 people with anxiety, mental health, or a mood disorder like depression suffer drug and alcohol use disorder. Conversely, the same number of people who use drugs and alcohol are likely to have a mood disorder.

5. Loss of Concentration and Happiness

When a person loses their train of thought or trails off during conversations, it can be a sign that they have a problem with concentration and memory–a common symptom of depression. Hidden depression is usually displayed by a fake smile or forced happiness when in the company of other people. However, this may not last long, and people may begin noticing the change in happiness and concentration.

How and When To Get Help

If you realize you have various symptoms of depression, it is imperative that you consider seeking help from a healthcare professional like a psychotherapist or doctor or even loved ones. Excellent mental health is essential in helping you deal with depression as it will assist you to accept that you are depressed and have the will to seek medical treatment from professionals. If you are concerned about a loved one having hidden depression or slowly losing interest in almost everything they loved, you should try speaking to them while offering non-judgmental support and advise them to seek medical help. This will not only help hasten recovery but also reduce the risk of suicide.


How to Know if a Dual-Diagnosis Program Is Right for You

In order to know if this type of program will work for you, you first have to understand what dual diagnosis is and what may cause it. You should also know the benefits of simultaneously treating substance abuse and mental health issues — as well as the consequences of not addressing the underlying causes of addiction.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis treats both mental illness and substance abuse for a holistic healing approach. Up to the 1990s, those receiving treatment for mental health problems, such as depression, delusional behavior or anxiety attacks, received separate treatment from those with substance abuse.

If someone drank or abused drugs, they were often required to get sober before they could get treatment for mental health. Unfortunately, this approach ignores underlying mental disorders or puts them at the end of the treatment cycle.

What Causes Dual-Diagnosis Disorders?

Substance abuse and mental illness are biologically based. Family members should withhold judgment and blame until they understand the entire situation. It’s important to recognize the person can’t get well without help.

Why Are Dual Diagnoses Hard to Treat?

When you have mental illness and substance abuse issues, it makes it harder for doctors to know where symptoms come from. For example, if someone with a dual diagnosis gets depression, according to one study, they have to be treated together in a holistic manner.

Double diagnoses patients have a higher chance of not completing treatment. That’s due to complications from addiction.

Are Those With Mental Illness Susceptible to Addiction?

The answer is yes. Those who suffer from depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety, for example, may increase their drug or alcohol use. Many rehab facilities can’t handle dual diagnosis patients. Facilities offering dual diagnosis treatment also have to have psychiatric staff and other equipment.

Do You Rely on Substances When You Are Feeling Anxious?

If you use alcohol or drugs to calm your anxiety at family gatherings and other social events, dual diagnosis treatment may be right for you. Some people are awkward in social settings and have social phobias.

You can go through treatment at a center that specializes in your health and mental health challenges related to addiction

You Have Trouble Focusing without Drugs or Alcohol

If you have a hard time focusing without drugs, you are not alone. Modern life travels at the speed of light. Drugs and alcohol may seem like a huge relief. Fortunately, you can get help and stop using substances as a crutch. That’s why it’s so important to pick a treatment program that works for you.

If you have lapses of concentration, it’s important to seek medical care right away. Treatment at a reputable drug treatment center can provide you with the tools you need to deal with things that come up in life and save money. For example, if your inability to focus stems from ADHD, dual diagnosis treatment can help you reduce disruptive behavior.

Those With a Mental Disorder who Currently Abuse Substances

Dual diagnosis treatment is necessary if you have a diagnosed mood or behavioral disorder and are using drugs. It helps you escape the cycle of cleaning up just to come back a few months later. Addressing the related issues at once may spare you a round of treatment in the future.

If you are worried that a loved one is in danger of addiction, look for the warning signs. This could include missing objects from around the home or agitation and anger, needle marks, paraphernalia and dilated or pinpoint pupils. Then, help them get help.

Grace Recovery is an addiction treatment program in Hollywood, California. You find luxurious amenities and effective detox programs that help you face recovery with a sober mind. There are both inpatient and outpatient options. Visit the website for more information.

What Is a Dual Diagnosis?

When educating yourself about addiction treatment and overcoming your struggles with addiction, it can be overwhelming. It’s important to know the ins and outs of various treatment methods so you can get the best care possible. While researching you may ask yourself, “What is a dual diagnosis?” Having a dual diagnosis involves struggling with a mental illness alongside drug or alcohol abuse. What is a Dual Diagnosis? There are many different reasons as to why people turn to drugs or alcohol, and the main one is mental illness. Most people don’t pay nearly as much attention to their mental health as their physical health, and there’s a lack of education. Because our society doesn’t put a focus on mental health, many people live with mental illness for years without ever knowing it. This leaves people feeling lost and confused, which can lead to self-medicating with drugs or alcohol. Some of the most common forms of mental illness include the following: Anxiety Depression PTSD ADHD Bipolar disorder To gain control over your addiction, you need to understand that both addiction and mental illness are separate but intertwined. Some people don’t understand what is a dual diagnosis, so they believe by just treating their mental illness, they’ll be okay. The reality is that due to the way your brain functions, you must treat your addiction as well. This is why you need a treatment facility that specializes in treating people with a dual diagnosis. What is a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center? If you are looking to get sober and stay sober, the best thing you can do is go to a dual diagnosis treatment program. When your symptoms of mental illness don’t receive proper treatment, your chances of relapse are much higher. At this type of treatment facility, you’ll work with licensed professionals to help you learn how to manage and overcome your symptoms of mental illness. You will also learn more about the disease of addiction and new ways to cope with mental illness as well as other life stresses. By treating both your addiction and your symptoms of mental illness, you’ll have better relationships with yourself as well as the people who mean the most to you. Getting the Help You Need Grace Recovery Community is an addiction treatment center located in Los Angeles, California, and we also provide detox services. We have a small, secular facility, which means that we can give you the personal attention you need. Our staff members dedicate themselves to helping you understand what is a dual diagnosis and how to live the life that you deserve. Our program offers a wide range of therapies so you can find what best suits your specific road to recovery. Some of the methods we use include the following: Detox Residential treatment Recovery community Aftercare To learn more about what is a dual diagnosis, call Grace Recovery today at *DM_DirectNumber format=period*.

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