What is the Difference Between Sobriety and Recovery?

A woman enjoys life in recovery.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 7 in 10 adults who ever had a substance use problem considered themselves to be recovering or in recovery. Addiction recovery is a life-long journey that can be filled with many ups and downs. Whether you are just starting your recovery journey, or have been sober for years, it’s important to understand the difference between sobriety and recovery, and how it relates to your own recovery journey. Keep reading to learn the difference between sobriety and recovery below.

At Grace Recovery, we are a drug and alcohol rehab that provides premier treatment to help support each patient’s road to recovery. No two recovery journeys are ever the same. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of addiction treatment options to ensure you receive the best care that aligns with your unique recovery needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your road to recovery. 

What is Sobriety?

Sobriety is when a recovering addict detoxes and is free from abusing drugs. In other words, sobriety is how long someone has abstained from abusing drugs or alcohol. It’s important to celebrate sobriety as it signifies how far you’ve come along your road to recovery. Regardless of if you’ve been sober for 1 year or 10 years, it’s essential to acknowledge and celebrate your sobriety. 

What is Recovery?

Recovery refers to more of the emotional, psychological, and physical healing and growth that occurs when you’ve detoxed, overcome addiction, and are living a sober life. Addiction recovery is life-long in that you are constantly avoiding triggers, urges, and cravings in your life. Your recovery journey doesn’t just stop once you’ve overcome addiction and achieved sobriety. It’s important to continue to support your recovery journey, whether through support groups, therapy, or even outpatient care to help maintain your progress in recovery. 

3 Main Differences Between Sobriety vs. Recovery

While sobriety and recovery are similar, there are differences between sobriety and recovery. Keep reading to learn those differences below.

  1. Recovery Typically Refers to an Individual’s Healing & Growth Progress

As mentioned briefly above, recovery typically involves more of an individual’s healing and growth progress. In other words, not just how long someone has abstained from drugs, but how they’ve physically, mentally, and emotionally progressed in life once they have overcome addiction, healed, and are now living a sober life. 

  1. Sobriety Typically Is Measured in Time & Involves How Long Someone Has Been Drug-Free

Next, the term sobriety is typically more seen as an outcome of overcoming addiction, and thus is measured in time and how long someone has been free from drugs. Although someone can say they’ve been in recovery from drugs or addiction for 5 years, typically people refer to the length of time they’ve been free from drugs with sobriety, such as saying “I’ve been sober for 5 years.”

  1. Sobriety Is Viewed as an Outcome, Whereas Recovery Is a Lifestyle

Last but not least, sobriety is typically seen as more of a goal or outcome, whereas recovery is more of a comprehensive lifestyle transformation. For example, every recovering addict’s goal is to achieve life-long sobriety; however, to achieve long-term sobriety, an individual must prioritize consistent and daily healing through recovery. From seeking professional help through addiction treatment to attending support groups and maintaining healthy habits, all of these are positive ways to support your recovery journey so you can achieve long-lasting sobriety.

Help Is Available

Now you know more about what is the difference between sobriety and recovery. While sobriety is typically seen more as an outcome of recovery and should be celebrated, recovery typically refers to the daily lifestyle healing and growth that comes from maintaining sobriety. No matter where you are on your road to recovery, it’s important to understand that addiction recovery is a life-long journey. 

At Grace Recovery, we are here to help you every step of the way along your road to recovery. We understand how debilitating a disease addiction can be. That’s why we offer a wide range of treatment options from addiction treatment options to mental health treatment to ensure you receive the right care to uniquely support your road to recovery. Contact us today to learn more about how we can best support your road to recovery. 

Building Confidence in Recovery

A man raises his arms in celebration of reaching a sobriety milestone, a key part of building confidence in recovery.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, about seven in 10 adults who have had a substance use problem consider themselves to be recovering or in recovery. Addiction recovery can be filled with many ups and downs. You will without question be faced with triggers and urges to abuse drugs that can potentially jeopardize your road to recovery. This is why it’s essential to build confidence in recovery so you can reduce your risk of relapse. Keep reading to learn how to build confidence in recovery.

Grace Recovery is a top-rated drug and alcohol rehab in Los Angeles that is here to help guide you every step of the way along your recovery journey. Our addiction treatment programs provide a safe and non-judgmental space to ensure clients receive the care that they need to lead a healthier, happier life. Contact us today to learn more about our programs.

7 Ways to Build Confidence in Recovery

Building genuine self-confidence is often easier said than done. However, below are several ways you can build confidence in recovery to help you lead a healthier, happier life.

  1. Positive Self-Talk

Whether you realize it or not, the words you say to yourself matter. Often, we are our own harshest critics. It can be easy to fall into a trap of negative self-talk, especially if you aren’t aware of it. This is why it’s crucial you prioritize positive self-talk to help build confidence in recovery. This is because how you talk to yourself has a significant impact on how you view yourself and others, which can later impact your actions and behaviors. 

  1. Set Goals

Goals help create motivation and accountability. Setting and achieving goals can also help build confidence in yourself. Therefore, another way you can build confidence is by setting and achieving goals in recovery. Goals show you that you can achieve hard things and follow through on your word, which can later down the line help you overcome and achieve greater challenges and goals. 

  1. Celebrate Wins

The road to sobriety is a life-long journey. It’s important to celebrate your wins along your road to recovery. Whether you are celebrating one month of sobriety or five years, it’s important to celebrate your wins (no matter how seemingly big or small), because celebrating wins can help you grow your self-confidence. 

  1. Build a Strong Support System

Another way to build confidence in recovery is by building a strong support system of friends, family, peers, and therapists that you can lean on for support. You should never feel like you are all on your own on your road to sobriety. 

  1. Forgive Yourself and Others

Forgiveness is another hard but necessary part of your recovery journey. Forgiving yourself and others you may have hurt in the past can help you not only let go and move forward in your journey, but it can also develop your confidence. Forgiving yourself and others empowers you to move on from past events and stride toward an addiction-free future.

  1. Focus on Healthy Lifestyle Changes

It’s also essential to prioritize healthy lifestyle changes. From focusing on your physical health and well-being to your mental wellness, these healthy lifestyle changes and habits can go a long way in improving your sense of self and self-confidence. 

  1. Give Back and Support Others

Last but not least, don’t forget to give back and support others who may also be struggling with addiction or mental health issues. Addiction and mental illness can be very isolating disorders. By helping others, you are not only being a supportive friend, but you are also showing yourself how far you’ve come along your own road to recovery, enhancing your own sense of confidence in your progress.

Build Confidence with Our Top-Rated Drug Rehab

From celebrating your sobriety wins and milestones to forgiving yourself and others for your past, there are several ways in which you can build confidence in recovery and beyond. The road to recovery can be difficult to navigate, especially on your own. That’s why it’s critical that if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, you seek professional support to safely and effectively overcome addiction and achieve long-term sobriety.At Grace Recovery, our compassionate team of addiction specialists and mental health professionals are here to help you find and maintain recovery. Whether you are struggling with drug addiction, mental illness, or a dual diagnosis, we offer a range of treatment programs and addiction therapy services to ensure you receive the best possible care for your unique recovery journey. Contact us today to learn how we can best support you.

The Role of Family and Friends in Addiction Recovery

A group of women laugh together and provide support for their friend in addiction recovery.

Family and friends play a significant role in your addiction recovery journey, whether you realize it or not. Your loved ones are a great support system that you can lean on for motivation, accountability, and emotional support as you progress along your path to recovery. Keep reading to learn more about the role of family and friends in addiction recovery, and why it’s so important you rebuild these relationships you may have hurt in the past. 

Grace Recovery is a top-rated drug and alcohol rehab in Los Angeles that helps individuals safely overcome addiction and achieve long-lasting sobriety. Each recovery journey is different, so that’s why we offer a comprehensive range of addiction treatment programs so you can receive the personalized support you need to effectively break free from your addiction.

Ready to start your road to recovery? Contact us today!

4 Roles Family and Friends Play in Addiction Recovery

According to the Pew Research Center, nearly half of Americans know a family member or close friend who has struggled with addiction. Your family and friends can greatly support and encourage you as you overcome addiction. Keep reading to learn the many ways in which loved ones in your life can support your recovery journey. 

  1. Emotional Support System

First, your family and friends offer a great emotional support system you can lean on in times of need. Your addiction recovery journey will undoubtedly be filled with many ups and downs. From being exposed to triggers or experiencing cravings that can put your sobriety at risk, it’s important you have a support system of loved ones you can rely on when you are going through the rough patches in your recovery journey. 

  1. Sense of Accountability

Next, your family and friends offer a sense of accountability as you progress along your recovery journey. As noted above, your sobriety journey can be difficult with moments that can put your recovery at risk. Having trusted loved ones by your side can ensure you aren’t putting yourself at risk of jeopardizing your sobriety. For example, being surrounded by healthy family and friends who support your recovery can dissuade you from seeing old friends who still abuse drugs or from going to places like bars that could increase your risk of relapsing. 

  1. Motivation for Your Journey

Your family and friends are also some of your greatest motivators along your journey to recovery. While it’s important that you first and foremost want to get sober for yourself and your own health and well-being, many people may feel motivated to get clean so they can be better for their family and friends. 

  1. Encouragement for a Sober and Safe Environment

Your family and friends in addiction recovery can also encourage a safe space where you can heal in a judgment-free environment. Often, it can be scary starting the road to recovery for fear of shame or judgment from others. However, true loved ones who genuinely care about your health and well-being will want the best for you and your life. Therefore, they will encourage you and help you adjust as you transition back into life after addiction treatment. For example, rather than living alone after addiction treatment, you may decide to stay with family members for some time as you transition back into everyday life.

Top-Rated Drug Rehab in Los Angeles 

The role of family and friends in addiction recovery is significant. Loved ones are often your greatest supporters and can help you stay motivated and accountable along your recovery journey. It’s critical to understand that your sobriety is a life-long journey that will feature many ups and downs. However, having loved ones by your side to support you throughout your addiction recovery journey and beyond can greatly help reduce your risk of relapse so you can lead a healthier, happier life. 

At Grace Recovery, we help clients struggling with addiction find the help they need to take back control of their health and quality of life. Our compassionate team of addiction specialists is here to help you every step of the way on your road to recovery so you can achieve long-term sobriety. Ready to break free from addiction once and for all? Contact us today to learn more about our addiction therapy services.

Overcoming Procrastination in the Journey to Recovery

Do you frequently say, “I’ll do it tomorrow,” only to realize that tomorrow never actually comes? If so, you’re not alone. 

Procrastination is a familiar struggle many clients in addiction recovery face. However, putting things off can be detrimental and may even contribute to addiction relapse. 

At Grace Recovery Center, a reputable residential rehab center in Los Angeles, we understand the significance of overcoming procrastination during the journey of addiction recovery.

Continue reading to discover more about the impact of procrastination and learn practical methods to overcome it!

The Effects of Procrastination

Procrastination can have both short-term and long-term effects on an addict’s life. 

In the short term, procrastination causes a lot of stress and anxiety. Putting off tasks until the last minute typically causes us to speed through them, resulting in lower-quality work. 

This low-tier output makes us feel flawed and like we’ve failed, which is especially harsh for clients in addiction recovery. 

In the long term, procrastination can have far worse consequences. Repeatedly delaying tasks creates overwhelming pressure on us and makes it hard to meet deadlines. 

This could lead to you losing a job or failing academically. These addiction triggers can seriously impact someone’s recovery journey.

Why We Procrastinate in Recovery

Understanding why we procrastinate is the first step to crushing it. 

When it comes to addiction recovery, several common reasons contribute to procrastination. Let’s take a closer look:

  • Fear of failure: The worry of not succeeding can hold us back from making progress.
  • Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can lead to putting off tasks.
  • Feeling overwhelmed: The feeling of being overwhelmed by the journey of recovery can result in procrastination.
  • Lack of motivation: In the early stages of recovery, we may struggle with motivation due to adverse withdrawal symptoms or feelings of hopelessness.

How to Overcome Procrastination in Recovery

Overcoming procrastination is no walk in the park, but it’s essential to successful addiction recovery. Below are some evidence-based strategies to get you started:

  • Divide tasks into small sections: Big tasks can be too much for us to handle, leading to procrastination. Making these seem less intimidating by breaking them into smaller, more manageable chunks can prompt people to start them.
  • Set realistic targets: Realistic and achievable goals motivate you and give you a sense of direction.
  • Be mindful: This enables one to keep anxiety levels at a minimal level, as well as reduce procrastination.
  • Use positive self-talk: Replace negative thoughts with inspiring, motivating self-talk against the fear of failure and perfectionism.
  • Develop a network of supportive individuals: This involves friends, relatives, or even peer support groups like AA or NA, who are supportive during times of procrastination in recovery.
  • 10-Minute Strategy: Whenever you are evading doing something, decide to only work on it for 10 minutes. The hardest part about beginning is actually starting it; once you commence, however, chances are that until the task ends, you will not stop.
  • Reward yourself accordingly: After accomplishing a demanding task, celebrate your progress and triumphs by treating yourself to something pleasurable.
  • Tackle any root causes: If, after all this time, you still cannot stop putting things off, maybe there are underlying conditions that need the attention of professionals, like depression or anxiety.
  • Self-care: This can enhance motivation and lower the desire for postponement by taking better care of oneself physically, emotionally, and mentally.

These ideas can enable one to beat procrastination to succeed on their journey towards recovery.

Take the First Step to Overcome Procrastination in Addiction Treatment with Grace Recovery 

Overcoming procrastination may be difficult, but it’s a crucial step toward successful recovery. We’re here to help you take that step at Grace Recovery Center. 

Our holistic addiction treatment approach includes detox, medication-assisted therapy, and dual-diagnosis treatment to support you throughout your recovery journey.Don’t let procrastination stand in your way of recovery. Contact us today and start your journey towards a healthier, happier life.

Coping with Triggers: A Practical Guide for Relapse Prevention

Imagine yourself in a maze where every turn is another chance to get high again. That sounds really scary, doesn’t it? 

Learning to cope with your triggers can help guide you through the maze of temptation.

Read our guide for relapse prevention to find out about different types of triggers and ways to deal with them while remaining sober!

Relapse Prevention and Triggers

Coping with triggers is like having a compass inside the maze mentioned above. It enables one to dodge possible pitfalls, thus ensuring a smooth recovery path. 

Therefore, learning the art of managing your own set of triggers can significantly decrease the chances of abusing substances again, hence an integral part of an addiction recovery process.

Understanding Your Addiction Triggers

Addiction triggers may be numerous and varied. They include physical, emotional, and environmental factors.

The first step here is to recognize these triggers.

Tackling Physical Triggers

Physical addiction triggers usually bear powerful connections to previous substance abuse episodes. Some physical examples include:

  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Places where you used drugs or drank alcohol before
  • Watching others use substances.

It’s essential not to encounter them or anything connected with that lifestyle if one wants to manage their problems effectively since it will only remind them about those moments. 

Do something different in place of that.

A good example would be visiting coffee shops instead of bars, as this will help develop new habits, such as enjoying lattes instead of alcoholic beverages whenever one feels like visiting such specific places.

Mindfulness: An Antidote to Emotional Triggers

Emotionally driven triggers can be complex, but mindfulness might assist you in maintaining sanity. Some examples of emotional triggers are:

  • Stressful situations
  • Feeling lonely or depressed
  • Difficult life circumstances

It is necessary to learn how to practice mindfulness instead of using drugs and alcohol to suppress these emotions so that they can be acknowledged without any judgment. 

By being conscious of your thoughts and emotions, you can let them slip through without acting on them. 

Consistent meditation, deep breathing, and other practices that develop a state of mindfulness will assist in regulating emotional triggers.

Managing Environmental Triggers

Environmental triggers are often found within social settings or daily routines. Some environmental examples include:

  • Going to a party where others are using substances
  • Watching TV shows or movies that glorify drug use
  • Being around friends or family members who still use drugs

To counter these, changing your surroundings as much as possible is essential. 

Try to avoid parties with drugs and alcohol, spend minimal time watching ads about substance abuse, and switching friends can help you manage environmental triggers during recovery. 

It could also help to find new activities that do not involve drugs, like exercise or trying something new.

Stress Management: Your Ally in Trigger Management

Stress is a universal trigger. Including stress-management techniques such as yoga, exercise regimes, or hobbies may provide an efficient buffer against triggers.

The Necessity of Professional Treatment

When it comes to the management of triggers, professional addiction therapies have a lot of benefits, unlike self-help strategies. 

Skilled therapists can explicitly tell what you are triggered by and create individualized ways of dealing with such. 

For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps expose how thoughts, feelings, and actions flow in an individual.

Group therapy and medication-assisted treatment are part of the holistic addiction treatment at Grace Recovery Center. 

It’s our duty as professionals to create a secure environment for you to develop skills for handling your triggers and avoid relapse.

Master Coping with Triggers to Achieve Recovery That Lasts at Grace Recovery Center 

Mastering coping with triggers is a huge step in recovery. It won’t be easy, but it can be done with the right tools and support. 

Contact us at Grace Recovery Center if you need our detox services or any other inpatient or outpatient care. 

Whenever you manage your triggers well, you’re a step further from slipping back into substance abuse and one closer to a better life free from substances.

Are There Resources for Families of Addicts?

Are There Resources for Families of Addicts?

Addiction can be tough on those who have it and those who care about it. It can be challenging for family and friends to know how to help their loved ones and themselves best during this challenging time. The good news is that there are ways for families to get help and find their way through this process. 

This blog will discuss how addiction affects families and some options available to them. We’ll also talk about how these options can give families of addicts the support and guidance they need.

Grace Recovery is a top-rated drug and alcohol in Los Angeles. Contact us today to learn more about our addiction treatment options in LA.

How Does Addiction Impact Families?

It has long been held that a family is the smallest unit of society and that general societal issues can be traced to the family. It is also valid to note that when there are issues, more often than not, the family is the first victim and usually the most impacted. With regard to this, addiction is no exception. 

Addiction has many complicated and long-lasting effects on the family, and these effects are often passed down from one generation to another. When one family member becomes addicted to a drug, the other members become co-dependents and enablers. When a person becomes an addict, his situation forces other family members to adapt, taking up roles and putting up faces to adjust to the addict’s new behavior. This tends to have a ripple effect in other areas of their lives. The impact on the family often depends on which family member is battling addiction.

Five ways substance abuse impacts a family.

  • Increases the Risk of Substance Use Disorder (SUDs) in Children. Many times, children who grow up in homes where either parent was an addict to drugs or battled with substance abuse often grow up to encounter these same SUDs. This, in turn, creates a vicious cycle of substance abuse that goes on and on.
  • Causes Neglect in the Upbringing of Children. Because of the parent’s addiction, they often do not have time for their children resulting in a series of negative impacts on the children. According to the Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality reports, children whose parents have SUD are at greater risk for poverty, academic challenges, social isolation, and dysfunctional family relationships than children whose parents do not. 
  • Strained Relationships. Children are not the only ones affected by a parent’s addiction. There is the risk of strained relationships between partners when one has an addiction problem. 
  • The Financial Impact on the Family. Notwithstanding which family member has an addiction, there will always be an adverse economic effect on the family. If a breadwinner falls victim to addiction, it impacts the earning capacity of the family and increases the likelihood of financial downtimes. If a dependent is an addict, the cost of the addiction might cause the victim to steal or lie to get the money to fund the habit.
  • Increase in Likelihood of Abuse. This is particularly obvious when an adult is a victim of addiction. There is an increased risk of physical and emotional abuse on the other members of the family. 

Are There Support Groups for Families of Addicts?

Family members of addicts also need help and therapy as much as the addict themselves. While an addict is recovering, the family also needs to learn the necessary habits to help cope with addiction in ways that do not harm them and do not enable the addict to continue with their vice.

Besides therapy, support groups are essential for helping families of addicts. There are a lot of support groups available to help families of addicts; they include:

  • Al-Anon Family Groups. A global fellowship program for families and friends of alcoholics. Instead of focusing on getting an alcoholic to quit, this program helps family and friends cope with the challenges they confront due to their loved one’s drinking.
  • Learn to Cope. A community of families coping with the effects of drug abuse. In addition to many online support services and forums, they also provide in-person meetings in various places around Massachusetts, New Jersey, Florida, and Idaho.
  • SMART Recovery Family and Friends. SMART Recovery is an alternative to programs like Al-Anon. SMART Recovery is based on science.
  • Nar-Anon Family Groups. Nar-Anon is a program with 12 steps for people affected by someone else’s addiction.
  • Recovering Couples. Operates on the principles of Al-Anon but is not affiliated with them. Their services are also geared towards couples alone. 
  • Online Sober Coaching

How to Find Resources for Families of Addicts

Looking for resources to help your family cope with addiction can be tedious. There is often a lot of stigma and trauma attached to the label, but it does not have to be that way. Grace Recovery provides resources for alcoholics families and all the help a family needs to cope with and overcome addiction. Grace Recovery provides a community of healing and addiction support for families that helps the family better handle a member that is an addict. Call us today to learn more about our plans and resources for families of addicts.

MAT Treatment Near Me

For those who deal with addiction or who know someone dealing with addiction, getting the right help to get sober and begin recovery can be difficult. Getting clean after long-term addiction poses a number of dangers if it isn’t done the right way.

At Grace Recovery we believe in making sure our clients get the treatment they need to safely get off drugs or alcohol and get started on the path to true recovery. In this post we will discuss what “MAT Treatment near me” is, Who should go to MAT treatment, and How Grace Recovery can help.

What Is MAT Treatment Near Me?

MAT Treatment near me refers to addiction treatment centers that specialize in offering medication assisted treatment for those dealing with addiction. MAT treatment is used when someone is addicted to opioids and it’s not safe for them to stop taking them cold turkey. Opioid abuse can have debilitating withdrawal effects which often causes someone to relapse after they quit.

The medication helps by easing the addiction, and is used in conjunction with other therapy options. MAT treatment near me is primarily used to treat opioid use disorder

MAT treatment typically uses drugs such as methadone, buprenorphine or Vivitrol to treat opioid addiction. 

How Is MAT Treatment Administered?

Usually the person suffering from addiction is given certain medications to either limit the risk of withdrawal or to help them gradually come off of another addictive substance under the care of a trained medical professional at a rehab. 

Methadone is typically given as a replacement drug for opioids and intended to reduce the effects of withdrawal symptoms, and to reduce cravings for another substance.

Buprenorphine is a partial opioid that has been shown to be highly effective in treating heroin addiction, with few of the side effects or risks from methadone.

Vivitrol (Naltrexone) blocks an individual’s ability to feel any euphoric effect when using drugs; it also prevents someone from getting high while drinking alcohol as well.

As you can see, medication assisted treatment works to counter the effects of addiction and help the person get clean by making it easier for them to detox. Getting clean of a substance is a crucial first step in the process of recovery.

Who Should Go to MAT Treatment Near Me?

Because MAT treatment near me is a focused type of treatment, it is best suited for those individuals who have a sustained addiction to a harmful substance where the lack of it could negatively impact their health.

Certain substances alter the chemistry of the body or affect the central nervous system and therefore make attempting normal detoxification problematic. Without substances to control the effects of addiction it makes safe detox nearly impossible.

How Grace Recovery Can Help You Get Sober

The first step in getting the treatment you need is finding a facility that offers a variety of programs for whatever form your addiction may take. Grace Recovery works to treat the whole individual, mind, body, and spirit by offering a wide array of treatment options to meet individual client needs.

This includes medication assisted treatment and detoxification so that clients can safely get off of drugs. We offer treatment in our calming and safe residential inpatient treatment center where we help patients to recover from addiction with individualized treatment plans before they move on to aftercare and continued recovery.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and you think MAT treatment near me might be able to help, then contact Grace Recovery today. We’ll get you started on the road to recovery and away from addiction.


How to Do an Intervention for Drugs and Alcohol

Having a loved one who is addicted to drugs and alcohol is a difficult situation. Many don’t know where to turn when it comes to getting their loved one the help they need, and asking a person you love who is addicted to drugs and alcohol to get help is a tricky situation, to say the least. At Grace Recovery our goal is to help people get the help they need. In this post, we’ll discuss what a drug and alcohol intervention is, the signs a loved one may need an intervention, and how to hold one. 

What Is an Intervention for Drugs and Alcohol? 

An intervention for drugs and alcohol is a process where loved ones confront the person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol with their addiction. In general, an intervention can be piecemeal as well as full-blown. For example, some interventions have just one family member participate while others may involve several different people from all over that individual’s life coming together in solidarity against the addiction. 


There are many reasons why those around someone abusing substances want them to get help including embarrassment; guilt; fear of getting caught up themselves; concern they or another loved one will die of an overdose due to carelessness because of drug use. What these individuals don’t realize though is most addicts feel much worse about their situation than anyone else around

Signs My Loved One Needs an Intervention for Drugs and Alcohol

There are many signs that someone may be addicted to drugs and alcohol. Changes in behavior, neglect of responsibilities, breaking of social ties, and even physical or mental side effects that may be noticeable as well. 


If you suspect that a loved one is addicted to drugs and alcohol to the point where it is impacting their day-to-day life, then it is time for an intervention. There is no rule set in stone for when to stage an intervention, but if you notice a loved one struggling with addiction, the best time to hold an intervention is as soon as possible. 

How to Hold an Intervention for Drugs and Alcohol

It can be overwhelming to know where to start when it comes to staging an intervention for drugs and alcohol. What is the best way to go about this? Where should I hold the meeting and who needs to attend, etc.? There are many aspects that need consideration before beginning a staged intervention for drugs and alcohol addiction. It will take time, patience, research, and organization in order to stage a successful drug or alcohol intervention. 


A good place to start is by deciding on whether you want your loved ones present at the discussion (i.e., pre-planned) or if they would not be allowed at all during the process (i.e., unplanned). If there was someone else who has also noticed signs of substance they may be able to help facilitate the intervention. At Grace Recovery we provide treatment options and plans to help people get their loved ones the help they need to begin living a sober life. 


A good intervention is positive and loving, but firm about how the addiction has affected everyone around them; as well as admitting that there may be some issues with those present which need attention too (hence why this type of gathering includes many people). It should not be confrontational, but truthful.


The intervention should allow for the person who is addicted to be heard and express their feelings about what has been said, which helps them see things in a different light. Once they have apologized or promised to change, it’s time to set out an agreement of how this will happen – with support from those present (and other professionals if needed). 

Let Grace Recovery Get Your Loved One on the Path to Sobriety

At Grace Recovery our treatment plans are tailored to your loved ones’ specific needs. From detoxification to dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders and aftercare, we do our best to get your loved one on a path to a healthy, drug and alcohol-free lifestyle.

What Is There To Do Sober In Los Angeles?

One of the most common misconceptions about getting sober is that your life will be boring. The good news is this is a misconception and extremely far from being the truth, including for those who live in or are visiting Los Angeles. Just because you are in addiction recovery, it doesn’t mean you cannot have fun. There are several ways to have fun in the city, without using drugs or alcohol. The use of drugs and alcohol does not define your life; in fact, getting sober means you are finally living and enjoying a healthy life. Here are just a few of things you can enjoy in Los Angeles, even while being sober.

Amusement Parks

Like many other cities in California, Los Angeles is home to a lot of amusement parks where you can spend the day riding roller coasters, eating excellent food and trying your hand at various games. Universal Studios, for example, is a great place to enjoy “reenactments” or participating in the same adventures as the characters in your favorite movies. The good news is that even if you used to visit these places before getting sober, you may find you enjoy them much more now that you’re in addiction recovery.

Spend Time at the Beach

One of the best things about Los Angeles is that the weather is almost always perfect for spending the day at the beach. You can pack a picnic, grab your surfboard or simply choose to relax on the sand. There is always some type of activity going on at the different beaches throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding area. If this will be your first time going to the beach sober, you may find that you see the surroundings in a much different view and that you enjoy the environment more than you expected.

Visit a Museum

Unless there is an event involving drugs or alcohol, most people with an addiction don’t include a visit to the museum into their activity schedule. Now that you are in addiction recovery, a trip to the museum may just allow you to appreciate the experience more. Whether you choose to visit the Getty Center for a glimpse at the masterpieces inside or simply to enjoy the view from the mountains, the trip is definitely worth your time. After enjoying all that the museum has to offer, stop for lunch at one of the local establishments, such as the Nickel Diner.

Go For a Hike

Unfortunately, the use of drugs and alcohol takes a significant toll on your physical health as well as your emotional health. So, one of the best ways to celebrate your addiction recovery is by participating in activities that are beneficial for both your physical and emotional health. Los Angeles has some of the greatest places available to hike and most of the trails are pet-friendly, so you can take your pet with you. If you prefer to see the sights on horseback, that can be achieved as well or you can visit Pacific Palisades to see the waterfalls up Temescal Canyon. However, you choose to hit the trails, hiking sober will allow you to enjoy the environment and work on your physical and emotional health.

Being sober will open up a whole new world of experiences for you, so it’s time to get out there and do everything you ever dreamed of doing. Addiction recovery is the time to focus on yourself, do the things you never found time to do when you were using your substance of choice. Try new and different things; you might be completely surprised at how much your interests have changed now that you’re sober. The goal is to have fun and recognize the fact that your addiction is no longer running your life, you are now in charge, so enjoy all that you missed while using and all the things you have worked hard to enjoy.

Eight Ideas to Help You Stay Sober Over the Holidays

The holidays might mean parties for hosting as well as marshmallows for roasting, but they can also pose a hardship for those in recovery, especially for those in the early stages of the process.  The combined stresses of parties, traveling, shopping, finances, and expectations can tempt people into relapsing.  At Grace Recovery, a brand-new state-of-the-art addiction treatment program located in Hollywood, California, and serving the entire Los Angeles area, we have compiled this list of suggestions for keeping you safe and sober during the holidays.

1.  Plan ahead.

One of the benefits of holiday get-togethers is that nearly all of them are scheduled.  This will permit you to know what is coming up and prepare for them accordingly.  It’s easy to have a game plan ready when you can anticipate what will happen during a party, and skip it if you think the temptation to drink or take drugs will be too great.  Rest assured that even if you do skip a party you can be reasonably sure that you could attend next-year’s festivities after you get a year of recovery under your belt.  And speaking of planning, prepare yourself ahead of time by talking yourself up before you head to a party.  That way you will be prepared for whatever you encounter once you get there.

2.  There’s safety in numbers.

If you decide to attend a party or other event, consider taking a sober friend with you to help keep you sane. Ideally, take someone with you who is aware of your situation and who will encourage you to stick with your recovery plan.  Whether you take a friend with you or not, you can also call a friend or sponsor to check in when the event is over.  And when someone does confront you with drugs or alcohol, be ready with a defense not to partake.

3.  Know your limits.

There is almost always a social pressure at parties and other events to convince you to drink.  You can minimize this pressure by deciding ahead of time how long you will stay at an event.  Further, know in advance not only when, but how you plan to leave an event when you are finished.  And if you anticipate having a tough time, bring your own car so you can dictate when it’s time for you to leave.

4.  Know and avoid your triggers.

Keep in mind your triggers–those people, places, and situations–that cause you to drink or take drugs, and avoid them.  For example, if certain people cause you to falter, simply avoid them or spend minimal time with them, especially when they start encouraging you to drink or take drugs.  This is especially true if you are already experiencing your own mood reactions such as loneliness, anger, hunger, and tiredness.  These internal situations can cause someone to buckle when confronted by tempting people or situations.

5.  Stay occupied.

When you get to a party or other gathering, what do you plan on doing?  Do you plan to engage in conversations?  Perhaps eat dinner?  Stay mindful of what you are doing since this will prevent you from doing something else, often without even thinking about it.  Also, people will be less likely to offer you a drink if you are busy talking with someone or taking part in another activity.  Another good strategy for dealing with those who want you to drink or take drugs is to already keep a drink (nonalcoholic, of course) in your hands.  You can take a drink if you already have one, can you?  Further, many people will naturally assume that you are already drinking if you have a full glass in your hands.

6.  Case the joint beforehand.

When you receive an invite, ask the host whether there will be alcohol or those using drugs at the event.  This way you will know whether to accept an invitation or avoid certain people who might cause you to stumble.  If you are concerned that someone will want to discuss drinking or drugs, or even rehab, stay focused on something else and avoid the discussion entirely.  Remember, nobody has the right to force you to drink or take drugs, and those who do are not your friends.

7.  Focus on the positive.

There are always plenty of things associated with the holidays that have nothing to do with drugs and alcohol.  Why not focus on these things?  These might include activities such as baking and other cooking, playing holiday games, and much more.

8.  Be of service.

The holidays are full of opportunities to find fulfillment in giving of yourself.  By taking your mind off of drinking and drugs, you can concentrate on providing support to others.  This not only benefits other people by paying forward, but it also builds your own strength as well.