Does Codependency Play a Role in Addiction?

Relationships are the foundation of modern-day society. Because of relationships, families are formed and businesses are built. Humans have an innate need to connect with one another emotionally. As we grow up we learn to care about people other than ourselves. We grow fond of our family, friends, coworkers, and sometimes even become attached. When we start to put others before ourselves and feel emotionally fulfilled when they need us, we can become codependent. Addiction and codependency often go hand in hand because addiction not only affects the person suffering from it, but also the people around them. Codependency often forms when an addict starts to take advantage of people who are trying to help them. If this pattern emerges, it will only make it harder for someone to break free from the chains and bonds of addiction.

What is Codependency?

Without a doubt, it can be hard to watch a loved one hurt themself and others by using drugs and alcohol. At the same time, individuals who are suffering from addiction might unknowingly start to take advantage of those who are trying to help them. When this takes place, this is called codependency. The people that are generally at risk of codependent relationships are parents, significant others, and family members. 

Parents often find themselves in codependent relationships because they want to help their addict child. If their child asks for money for food or rent, the parents are hesitant to say no because they don’t want their kid to not have food or a place to live. While they think they’re helping, they’re actually just providing the addict with a means to get high. Codependency can become habit-forming and it also leads to enabling. 

It’s challenging for people to pick up on codependency and enablement if they don’t know what to look for. The most important thing people need to remember is that this type of behavior is only going to encourage someone who is suffering from addiction to continue using drugs. If a parent tries to hide their spouse’s behavior from the children in an effort to protect them, they’re actually just shielding the addict from seeing how their actions impact their family.

There are a few characteristics of codependent behavior that people should be aware of. Codependency is incredibly dangerous for people who struggle with addiction. Someone in a codependent relationship is going to have an exaggerated degree of responsibility to the person who is struggling with addiction. Someone in a codependent relationship is also going to work hard to do far more than their fair share at all times. Finally, someone in a codependent relationship is also going to have an extreme degree of guilt about the situation, therefore they may feel trapped in the relationship. 

How Does it Affect Addiction?

Codependency fuels addiction. Why is someone going to stop using drugs or alcohol if they know their loved ones will give them money and provide them with a place to live? Codependency gives the addict inherent permission to continue using drugs or alcohol because they think they’ll always be ok. 

Codependency is also dangerous because the nonaddict often makes excuses for the addict. If an addict is high and unable to go to a family gathering, they’ll probably rely on their significant other to tell the family. This can encourage the nonaddict to lie and make excuses when they definitely shouldn’t have to. 

A codependent relationship is going to shield someone with addiction from the consequences of their actions. This is going to end up furthering someone’s addiction, making it harder to recover when that person finally reaches rock bottom and looks for help. 

Let Us Help You with Addiction Treatment!

At Grace Recovery, we are a brand new state-of-the-art addiction treatment program located in the heart of Hollywood, CA. We have been designed to take advantage of the beautiful area of Los Angeles, CA to help individuals and families recover from addiction. We provide luxurious amenities along with the latest in substance abuse programming at our detoxification and residential inpatient program. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, please contact us today!


Addiction and Isolation: The interaction of the two

Suffering from addiction is one of the loneliest feelings you can imagine. There used to be a stigma surrounding substance abuse, addiction, and other mental health disorders, which is why someone can feel alone. There was a false perception that people brought addiction on themselves and no one was brave enough to talk about it. 

Fortunately, the veil has been lifted and the general public is educated enough to know addiction is just as serious as any other illness and affects millions of people. Loneliness and isolation seem to remain common amongst addicts and can make the addiction and any other underlying mental health issues much worse. Therefore, there are a few important points that people who suffer from addiction need to know.

Why Do Addicts Isolate in Addiction?

One of the first questions people often ask when it comes to addiction is why people with this disease isolate in the first place. People who end up addicted to alcohol or drugs are using these substances to cope with other issues that might be unfolding in their lives. People use alcohol and drugs to cope with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and more. They’re using these drugs and other substances to hide from their feelings and escape from reality. Some of the feelings they often experience include fear, guilt, and denial. These emotions can quickly build and lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed.

It’s this feeling of helplessness that’s associated with the actions above that drives people to isolate. If an individual has suffered from verbal, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, the feelings can be much more intense. Isolation can lead to broken relationships and make the addict feel even more alone. This cycle can have a terrible impact on someone who needs to recover.

Why is This So Bad?

Isolation can lead to serious problems. During isolation, people can feel like they can’t connect with others on an emotion or physical level. They feel disconnected from the outside world. Side effects of this are depression and can worsen the impacts that come with substance abuse. Some people might even feel like there is nobody who cares about them and feel total despair. 

As a result, people won’t feel motivated to reach out and ask for help. People do have the capacity to beat addiction; however, they cannot do this on their own. They need to admit they have a problem and ask for help. 

How Can Someone Get Help?

Trying to get out of the cycle of loneliness and isolation requires work on the addict’s behalf. First, they’ll need to grieve their separation from drugs and alcohol. When someone is struggling with addiction, the only friends they seem to have are drugs and alcohol. Therefore, it’s normal for someone to experience somewhat of a grieving process as long as they know this friendship was toxic and destructive.

Then, they need to reach out and talk to family members and friends. Make amends with them. Generate peace with them. The people who have always been there are going to continue to be there no matter what. These relationships might be damaged and broken but they can be repaired.

Let Us Help You!

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, please let us know. We’re proud to serve the greater Los Angeles area and want you to know you are not alone. Contact us today to get on the road to recovery. 


Should You Get Sober in Your Hometown?

Historically speaking, society is reluctant to discuss addiction because of the stigma that surrounds it. As time goes on and information is easily accessible, people are starting to understand addiction is in fact a disease and should be treated as such. 

When someone is seeking treatment, it feels comfortable to find a program close to home. Although that is a common mindset, it’s actually a better idea to leave home to assess addiction treatment options. 

Why Getting Sober Close to Home Is Not the Best Idea

There are a few reasons why getting addiction treatment close to home is not the best idea. While an inpatient treatment facility close to home may help someone get sober temporarily, the second the person leaves they step back into the same environment that initially drove their addiction. This is one of the biggest reasons why relapse is such a significant issue for someone once they leave an addiction treatment center.

If someone stays close to home, they are going to be spending time around the same friends who drove and enabled their addiction in the first place post-treatment. This is only going to lead to relapse, more heartbreak, and an endless cycle between an inpatient treatment center and relapse. It’s important for a person in recovery to meet new people who are going to support them and help maintain their sobriety. 

Why Traveling for Addiction Treatment is a Good Idea

By deciding to leave home for addiction treatment, you’re allowing yourself to choose from many different options of treatment programs. While your hometown may have a treatment program that specializes in substance abuse, you may require a treatment program that involves treating mental health and substance abuse.  The personal circumstances of everyone who struggles with drug abuse or alcoholism are different and need to be treated as such. The best way to find the right treatment for yourself is by keeping your options open and look outside of your hometown.

Traveling for addiction treatment gives you the ability to start fresh. You’ll be able to distance yourself from the toxic environment that drove you into the arms of addiction in the first place. You’ll be able to leave your old friends behind and make new friends who are like-minded individuals. A new town or city will help reduce distractions in your life and enable you to enjoy new experiences. One of the best parts about recovery is discovering a new life. A change of scenery will help you forget your old life and getting high.

Commit to the Recovery Process

It can be hard leaving home to seek addiction treatment but removing yourself from your current environment is one of the best things to do to commit to the recovery process. It’s impossible to have a fresh start if you don’t change your surroundings. It’s normal to dwell on the possibility of no longer being able to hang out with your friend group but in recovery, you’ll have endless opportunities to meet new people and form sober relationships. 

Let Us Help You!

At Grace Recovery, we are a brand new, state-of-the-art addiction treatment program located in the heart of Hollywood, CA. We provide luxurious amenities and the latest treatment options substance abuse programming at our detoxification and residential inpatient program. If you are looking for addiction recovery services in the Los Angeles area, contact us today!


Going to Rehab with Legal Problems: Will it Help?

It’s unquestionable that the use of drugs and alcohol often plays a role in many people committing a crime. Drug abuse may compel you to act out of character, which leads you to dealings with the legal system. For instance, you may have an upcoming court date because your addiction leads you to drive while intoxicated, which resulted in being pulled over and arrested for a DUI. One of the most common thoughts among people who have legal issues resulting from their addiction is if they can go to rehab instead of jail. If the crime you committed is relatively minor, going to rehab instead of jail may be an option; however, the courts want to be satisfied that your motives for seeking treatment aren’t simply a motivation to stay out of jail. This means you’ll need to show a desire to want to change your life for the better by eliminating your drug addiction.

How to Go to Rehab Instead of Jail

In most situations, there are two ways you can go to rehab instead of serving a court-appointed jail sentence. The options are through drug court and court-ordered rehab:

Drug Court

Drug court is a special court that is designed for non-violent substance-related crimes and/or criminal cases. Drug court is only an option for those who need addiction treatment. The courts will determine if you’re qualified for this option through mandatory, supervised testing for substance use. If so you will then be assigned treatment and rehab based incarceration instead of serving jail time. The process for drug court is much different from a regular court. The process includes:

  • Waiving your due process rights and signing a preemptive confession
  • Commitment to attending drug treatment and rehabilitation
  • Committing to mandatory testing for drugs and alcohol
  • Consenting to be monitored to confirm program effectiveness
  • Committing to the attendance at a court-appointed or approved treatment facility

Court Ordered Rehab

If you have numerous DUI’s or have a history of committing substance-related crimes, the judge may recommend you participate in a rehabilitation program instead of going to jail/prison. The judge will typically only recommend this if you are a multiple offender, have several DUI’s, or otherwise have a proven track record of committing substance-related crimes, your judge may recommend you to a rehabilitation In this situation, you will be given the option of either going to jail or rehab, so you can choose which one you want to do. You may be able to initiate this option by discussing it with your attorney and asking them to recommend court-appointed rehabilitation.

Who Qualifies for Rehab Instead of Jail?

There are many people in the legal system that qualifies for rehab instead of jail, but it’s important that you discuss this option with your attorney. For instance, if you don’t have a physical dependence on drugs or alcohol, refuse to answer the questions about your drug abuse or addiction or do not appear to have a problem that can be corrected with rehab, rehabilitation will not be an option. Also, if you have a history of violent crimes, rehabilitation instead of jail or prison isn’t typically recommended, even if your current situation with the legal system isn’t for a violent crime.

The court will be particularly responsive to your request for rehab if your crime is directly related to your addiction. It is important to keep in mind that if your crime was premeditated, it suggests you would have committed the crime even if you weren’t suffering from addiction. There are a number of reasons why rehab is better than jail, but the most important reason is that it will help you kick your addiction. Research has shown that treatment in a guided rehabilitation facility does a better job of helping you get clean than being locked up in jail, but it must be something you want and not something you are doing simply to avoid incarceration. It is essential to keep in mind that going to rehab with legal problems will only help if you truly want to get clean and sober.

Get Help Today

If you or a loved one are suffering from drug and/or alcohol addiction, don’t be afraid to reach out to us. Contact us today to speak to an addiction professional and see in what ways we can help! At Grace Recovery, we’re all about getting you back on the right track.

Interventions: When and How Should I Intervene On A Loved One

According to the Addiction Center, approximately 21 million Americans have at least one addiction.  More shocking than the total number of American’s ensnared in the clutches of addiction is the fact, that only 10% of addicts seek addiction treatment.  In order to bridge the gap, people struggling with addiction need loved ones to bridge the gap towards addiction treatment.

Drug addiction has impacted the lives of millions of Americans. There is new hope though, as we are able to destigmatize addiction and identify it as a treatable disease.  State-of-the-art addiction treatment programs like Grace Recovery in Hollywood, California are filled with people eager to help you or your loved one combat drug addiction with compassion, care, and expertise.

One of the questions asked most frequently by people who have a loved one who is struggling with drug addiction is this:  When do I stage an Intervention?

Timing Is Key

There is no simple answer to that question.  However, as loved ones, we can develop a plan by being informed and knowing that early intervention with an effective plan and a committed support group can save a life.  Remember, only 10% of addicts seek addiction treatment, largely due to the fact that most addicts don’t know they are in crisis.  They need your help.  So here are some sobering signings that it is time for an intervention.

Signs To Look For

People can change in healthy ways, however, a person struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism may exhibit many alarming behavioral changes.  Some of these changes may be mild, such as changing eating routines, eating less, arriving excessively and profusely late or lying.  Most of these behaviors will exacerbate over time as the addiction worsens.  An addict also is likely to build a tolerance for certain drugs or alcohol and require more to achieve the same high.

Other alarming behaviors include refusals to eat, a haggard appearance due to a lack of care for their own self-image.  Drug addiction and alcoholism affect the brain to be focused on the next high which can make people more prone to volatility where they lash out and lose control.  The grip of addiction can rip your loved one away from reality leading to mental fatigue and memory loss which snowballs into financial trouble.

When you see these behaviors taking their toll, you know it is time to stage an intervention.  However, your chances of success will increase if you are able to form a support group focused on getting your loved one into addiction treatment safely and effectively.

Remember, your decision to stage an intervention can directly save your loved one’s life.  In 2018 the Los Angeles Times reported, “the death toll from drugs has doubled every eight years” from 1979 to 2016.  Your intervention and the path to addiction treatment can help change that number.

Staging The Intervention

Once you have made the commitment toward staging an intervention to help your loved one battle drug addiction, the next step is forming your team and your plan.  This is going to be an emotional experience.  Different people view drug addiction from a different lens.  Some people still view addiction as a choice.  People in your group may be personally outraged or hurt due to the choices an addict has made.  Your intervention will have the highest odds of being successful if you are able to create a support group who acknowledge addiction is a medical disorder, are committed to helping and have a plan of action to get your loved one to receive addiction treatment.

You will also need to assign someone to be a leader and mediate while your group navigates through their own emotions.  Remember your loved one with an alcohol or drug addiction may have committed acts that are hard to forgive.  Healing the group can lead to forgiveness.  Forgiveness can lead to belief in a common goal: To help a sick loved one receive addiction treatment.

It is also okay and necessary to share what the consequences will be at home and with relationships if your loved one struggling with alcohol or drug addiction doesn’t seek treatment.

Seek Professional Help

You are not in this alone.  There are people who have dedicated their lives to helping people receive the support they need to confront their alcohol or drug addiction.  An intervention specialist can be the perfect person to utilize in order to give your loved one the best chance at receiving the addiction treatment they need.  It’s okay to have questions and to feel like you need help.  Luckily, people like Greg Holden and Joelene Knight the co-founders of Grace Recovery in Hollywood CA have people ready to help regardless of where you live.  Just pick up the phone and dial 1-866-330-0049 or visit and they will be happy to guide you.


How to Quit Using Meth

Methamphetamine, or colloquially called meth, is a powerful stimulant that is prescribed by medical professionals in very low doses to help control conditions stemming from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, it has become a devastatingly illicit drug used recreationally. To understand the devastating and long-reaching effects of meth, it’s important to have a more comprehensive understanding of the drug’s origin, usage, and dissemination.

Meth is a potent central nervous system stimulant that first came into the public imagination in the 1890s. First synthesized in 1887, methamphetamine was used during World War II in a tablet form due to its performance-enhancing stimulant properties, including extended wakefulness. In war, soldiers have found it to be beneficial in ensuring that they stay awake for long periods, making them more effective foot soldiers.

For the following century, methamphetamine has found itself in treatments to treat obesity, with its addictive qualities largely being ignored. Eventually, the government began to strictly regulate the distribution of methamphetamine products. Finally, during the 1970s, amphetamine became a schedule two controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act.

In the 1980s, crystal meth took hold. Street dealers eventually found that if they cut ephedrine — an active ingredient in popular over-the-counter cold medicines – then they’ll be able to produce crystal meth. Crystal meth has been known to be twice as potent as the pharmaceutical-grade methamphetamine.

Smoking crystal meth is one of the more popular methods of abusing it. The hydro-chloride salt from methamphetamine can be smoked by itself. The powdered form of methamphetamine can be injected, snorted, or ingested.

Crystal meth side effects include:

  • A false sense of well-being. Immediately after exposure, users will feel euphoric. They may feel that their body might go longer or faster — after the drug effects wear off, users experience a severe mental and physical crash.
  • Addiction to this euphoria. Users will become addicted to this euphoric feeling, requiring more methamphetamine to reach the same high. Continued use will affect sleep patterns, cause hyperactivity, nausea, and increased irritability.
  • Irreversible harm. Long-range damage includes increased heart rate and blood pressure, and permanently damage blood vessels that can eventually lead to cardiovascular collapse or death.

The Benefits of Luxury Rehabilitation

While there are psychological and physiological effects that users pursue when using meth, oftentimes there are underlying factors that compel them to use. Rehabilitation uses a combination of therapy, in-group and solo therapy sessions, and medications.

While all viable rehabilitation centers and clinics have the proper tools to assist those who are suffering from addiction, a luxury rehabilitation center has unique benefits.

  • Patient to staff ratio. A luxury rehab center will allow the patient to be under the care of a knowledgeable staff member at all times, through all phases of their journey.
  • Access to alternative care. There are tried-and-true methods of rehabilitating a chronic user — but luxury centers can offer alternative care. These programs may include a combination of fitness, yoga, meditation, massages, and other healthy activities that will help a patient stay mentally stimulated while being physically weaned from their drug vices.
  • Enhanced comfort. At a luxury rehab center, you will have access to additional amenities that will help you feel more comfortable. These include private rooms with features like quality bedding, linens, and large private bathrooms. While at the surface level these luxuries may not be important, they are included to help patients feel more relaxed and at peace with themselves.

Benefits of Inpatient Care

Inpatient rehab programs offer a comprehensive solution. It includes patient staying within the facility during the tenure of the program, with these sort of programs having a higher success rate than outpatient rehabilitation. While it is more disruptive to daily life, it offers constant medical and emotional support, with most treatments lasting from 30 days to several months. It is designed to treat addiction to meth, barring the distractions of everyday life from interfering with treatment.

With our inpatient program, the patient still has access to the family since they play a role in a successful recovery. Family members can contact loved ones and work in tandem with the facility to provide further encouragement.

About Grace Recovery

Grace Recovery is a new state-of-the-art addiction treatment that is located in the heart of Hollywood, California. Grace Recovery has a litany of luxury amenities and the latest in substance abuse programming. Our rehabilitation offers different levels of detoxification as well as inpatient care.

Los Angeles, like many other areas in the United States, has been hit with a meth epidemic. To begin your journey to a healthier you, contact Grace Recovery today.

Why To Travel To Southern California For Addiction Treatment

There is a lot to consider when choosing where to go to treatment. You want to find a place that has the right supports, including licensed therapists, a safe environment, and individualized treatment that focuses on you. Once you know what you’re looking for in general, you can narrow down what you’re looking for as far as what place looks like it will be comfortable and suit your individual needs. There are some very good reasons you would do well if you sought treatment in Southern California.

Getting away from your home environment and its triggers

Even though you will miss them and you may view them as your biggest supports, your friends and relatives will keep reminding you of how you were thinking during the roughest part of your addiction. Without meaning to, the people closest to you will bring you into their drama. Getting away from other problem places is good too, such as bars you used to frequent or other places that remind you too much of your old habits. You may have “triggers” that can bring you right back into your old way of thinking.

A simple change of scenery

When you are in a different place, you can get more of a feeling that you are starting your life over. Everything is new again, and the possibilities are endless. Being in a different place can help you achieve longer term sobriety by helping you off to a good start. You don’t want to look too far into the future, because you are going to start living one day at a time, but you can find a place that helps you see everything in a new way.


Even if your family and friends support your recovery, you will feel more comfortable, especially in early recovery, if you feel as though you have some privacy. Even if you don’t want to hide anything, you will feel less self-conscious if you know that your loved ones can’t just drop in any time without warning. When you staying in Southern California and attending therapy, going to meetings, and learning how to meditate, you can focus on yourself and what you need to accomplish.

You can enjoy the weather

Southern California isn’t just far from home — it offers the most amazing weather all year round. That means that when you are in recovery you can enjoy the outdoors, meditate outside, see the sights, and take advantage of everything the area has to offer no matter when you go. The constant sunshine has a psychological effect too, helping fight depression and combat other conditions that go along with darkness and bad weather, like obesity.

The natural life

As part of your recovery, you can enjoy all the natural wonders Southern California has to offer. You can visit beaches, swim, hike, or just enjoy the scenery. Because of the area, there are also adventure sports you can take part in. For those who enjoy a feeling of excitement, adventure sports can provide that feeling of excitement in a safe setting. You can try cave diving, bodyboarding, hang gliding, kite surfing, or a multitude of other fun sports. You will get multiple advantages from finding sports you enjoy:

  • The exercise will help you regain your health
  • When you are having fun, you avoid boredom, which is dangerous in sobriety
  • You challenge yourself and succeed, increasing your self-confidence
  • When you are exercising and having fun, you aren’t having negative thoughts

Is addiction treatment in California right for you?

Grace Recovery has multiple levels of care that are tailored to suit the individual needs of each client. We offer compassionate, holistic care, and we use both traditional and evidence-based methods. You can take advantage of everything from acupuncture to support groups to psychoeducation to trauma-informed yoga.

We recognize that everyone is on a different path, and our job is to help you find your own way. If you think you could benefit from our program in Los Angeles, California, please don’t hesitate to call today.