What Are the Long-Term Effects of Heroin Abuse?

What Are the Long Term Effects of Heroin Abuse?

When most people think of drug addiction, they think about the effects on the person, their family and loved ones, their finances, and the potential to get in legal trouble from abusing drugs. However, what sometimes gets overlooked is the long-term effects that drug use can have on a person even after they get clean and start rebuilding what addiction has taken from them. Most of the time, we think of the immediate impacts of drug use because those are the ones most present at the time, and once a person goes into recovery, we think that everything will be ok. The symptoms of heroin abuse can be challenging to overcome, but Grace Recovery can help.

It’s always important to recognize the effects of these drugs so that we can get our loved ones the help they need as soon as possible and to help prepare them and ourselves for the long-term cost of drug use. After all, addiction is a lifelong disease, and sometimes, so are the consequences of using drugs or alcohol. 

At Grace Recovery, we understand the importance of addiction treatment and acknowledge the effects that drugs can have over the long term. That’s why in this post, we are going to discuss the drug heroin, what it is, how it impacts the body, heroin abuse symptoms, and the long-term effects, and how to find a Los Angeles detox program for heroin. 

What is Heroin? 

Heroin is a drug in the opioid family derived from the poppy plant’s seeds. It has been used for many years as a drug to relieve pain and in many medical procedures until it was discovered how addictive it was in the mid-1900s. Heroin has since been made highly illegal and is now an illicit drug that many people ultimately switch to after having been addicted to other opioids. 

Like all opioids, heroin acts within the body to relieve pain and provide comfort for even those with the most severe types of pain. This is particularly why it was so effective in the past and why it is still sought after today. 

How Does Heroin Impact the Body 

Heroin is an incredibly potent opioid that works by attaching to the pain receptors in the central nervous system and regulating the way the body feels pain. It also impacts the brain chemistry and changes the brain’s response to pain to provide relief to patients. 

The reason why heroin is so addictive is due to how it impacts the body. Over time the cells in the receptors and the brain change to become dependent on the presence of heroin to make them work properly and for the body to function normally on a day-to-day basis. This chemical dependency is what eventually leads to full-blown addiction.

What Are the Long-Term Symptoms of Heroin Abuse?

There are a great many ways that long-term use of heroin can impact the body. The risk of sexual infections increases, as does immune diseases and deficiencies that can cause problems like arthritis. A person is more prone to skin lesions, infections, collapsed veins, ruptured nasal passages, etc. 

If a person using heroin develops a mental health disorder or a person with a mental health disorder is taking heroin to cope, it can lead to suicidal tendencies. Prolonged use of heroin can even lead to systemic organ failure and death in some heavy users. 

How to Find Los Angeles Detox Programs For Heroin 

If you or a loved one are struggling with a heroin addiction, then Grace Recovery is here for you. We offer addiction treatment in Los Angeles to help you get free of heroin and get started down the path of recovery before it is too late. 

We have various treatment options, from inpatient to medically assisted to dual diagnosis treatment in Los Angeles, so that no matter your situation, you get the personalized care you need to get clean of heroin and get started on your journey back to a normal life. At Grace Recovery, we are here for you or your loved one at any time. Contact us today.

Does Codependency Play a Role in Addiction?

Relationships are the foundation of modern-day society. Because of relationships, families are formed and businesses are built. Humans have an innate need to connect with one another emotionally. As we grow up we learn to care about people other than ourselves. We grow fond of our family, friends, coworkers, and sometimes even become attached. When we start to put others before ourselves and feel emotionally fulfilled when they need us, we can become codependent. Addiction and codependency often go hand in hand because addiction not only affects the person suffering from it, but also the people around them. Codependency often forms when an addict starts to take advantage of people who are trying to help them. If this pattern emerges, it will only make it harder for someone to break free from the chains and bonds of addiction.

What is Codependency?

Without a doubt, it can be hard to watch a loved one hurt themself and others by using drugs and alcohol. At the same time, individuals who are suffering from addiction might unknowingly start to take advantage of those who are trying to help them. When this takes place, this is called codependency. The people that are generally at risk of codependent relationships are parents, significant others, and family members. 

Parents often find themselves in codependent relationships because they want to help their addict child. If their child asks for money for food or rent, the parents are hesitant to say no because they don’t want their kid to not have food or a place to live. While they think they’re helping, they’re actually just providing the addict with a means to get high. Codependency can become habit-forming and it also leads to enabling. 

It’s challenging for people to pick up on codependency and enablement if they don’t know what to look for. The most important thing people need to remember is that this type of behavior is only going to encourage someone who is suffering from addiction to continue using drugs. If a parent tries to hide their spouse’s behavior from the children in an effort to protect them, they’re actually just shielding the addict from seeing how their actions impact their family.

There are a few characteristics of codependent behavior that people should be aware of. Codependency is incredibly dangerous for people who struggle with addiction. Someone in a codependent relationship is going to have an exaggerated degree of responsibility to the person who is struggling with addiction. Someone in a codependent relationship is also going to work hard to do far more than their fair share at all times. Finally, someone in a codependent relationship is also going to have an extreme degree of guilt about the situation, therefore they may feel trapped in the relationship. 

How Does it Affect Addiction?

Codependency fuels addiction. Why is someone going to stop using drugs or alcohol if they know their loved ones will give them money and provide them with a place to live? Codependency gives the addict inherent permission to continue using drugs or alcohol because they think they’ll always be ok. 

Codependency is also dangerous because the nonaddict often makes excuses for the addict. If an addict is high and unable to go to a family gathering, they’ll probably rely on their significant other to tell the family. This can encourage the nonaddict to lie and make excuses when they definitely shouldn’t have to. 

A codependent relationship is going to shield someone with addiction from the consequences of their actions. This is going to end up furthering someone’s addiction, making it harder to recover when that person finally reaches rock bottom and looks for help. 

Let Us Help You with Addiction Treatment!

At Grace Recovery, we are a brand new state-of-the-art addiction treatment program located in the heart of Hollywood, CA. We have been designed to take advantage of the beautiful area of Los Angeles, CA to help individuals and families recover from addiction. We provide luxurious amenities along with the latest in substance abuse programming at our detoxification and residential inpatient program. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, please contact us today!


Should You Get Sober in Your Hometown?

Historically speaking, society is reluctant to discuss addiction because of the stigma that surrounds it. As time goes on and information is easily accessible, people are starting to understand addiction is in fact a disease and should be treated as such. 

When someone is seeking treatment, it feels comfortable to find a program close to home. Although that is a common mindset, it’s actually a better idea to leave home to assess addiction treatment options. 

Why Getting Sober Close to Home Is Not the Best Idea

There are a few reasons why getting addiction treatment close to home is not the best idea. While an inpatient treatment facility close to home may help someone get sober temporarily, the second the person leaves they step back into the same environment that initially drove their addiction. This is one of the biggest reasons why relapse is such a significant issue for someone once they leave an addiction treatment center.

If someone stays close to home, they are going to be spending time around the same friends who drove and enabled their addiction in the first place post-treatment. This is only going to lead to relapse, more heartbreak, and an endless cycle between an inpatient treatment center and relapse. It’s important for a person in recovery to meet new people who are going to support them and help maintain their sobriety. 

Why Traveling for Addiction Treatment is a Good Idea

By deciding to leave home for addiction treatment, you’re allowing yourself to choose from many different options of treatment programs. While your hometown may have a treatment program that specializes in substance abuse, you may require a treatment program that involves treating mental health and substance abuse.  The personal circumstances of everyone who struggles with drug abuse or alcoholism are different and need to be treated as such. The best way to find the right treatment for yourself is by keeping your options open and look outside of your hometown.

Traveling for addiction treatment gives you the ability to start fresh. You’ll be able to distance yourself from the toxic environment that drove you into the arms of addiction in the first place. You’ll be able to leave your old friends behind and make new friends who are like-minded individuals. A new town or city will help reduce distractions in your life and enable you to enjoy new experiences. One of the best parts about recovery is discovering a new life. A change of scenery will help you forget your old life and getting high.

Commit to the Recovery Process

It can be hard leaving home to seek addiction treatment but removing yourself from your current environment is one of the best things to do to commit to the recovery process. It’s impossible to have a fresh start if you don’t change your surroundings. It’s normal to dwell on the possibility of no longer being able to hang out with your friend group but in recovery, you’ll have endless opportunities to meet new people and form sober relationships. 

Let Us Help You!

At Grace Recovery, we are a brand new, state-of-the-art addiction treatment program located in the heart of Hollywood, CA. We provide luxurious amenities and the latest treatment options substance abuse programming at our detoxification and residential inpatient program. If you are looking for addiction recovery services in the Los Angeles area, contact us today!


Going to Rehab with Legal Problems: Will it Help?

It’s unquestionable that the use of drugs and alcohol often plays a role in many people committing a crime. Drug abuse may compel you to act out of character, which leads you to dealings with the legal system. For instance, you may have an upcoming court date because your addiction leads you to drive while intoxicated, which resulted in being pulled over and arrested for a DUI. One of the most common thoughts among people who have legal issues resulting from their addiction is if they can go to rehab instead of jail. If the crime you committed is relatively minor, going to rehab instead of jail may be an option; however, the courts want to be satisfied that your motives for seeking treatment aren’t simply a motivation to stay out of jail. This means you’ll need to show a desire to want to change your life for the better by eliminating your drug addiction.

How to Go to Rehab Instead of Jail

In most situations, there are two ways you can go to rehab instead of serving a court-appointed jail sentence. The options are through drug court and court-ordered rehab:

Drug Court

Drug court is a special court that is designed for non-violent substance-related crimes and/or criminal cases. Drug court is only an option for those who need addiction treatment. The courts will determine if you’re qualified for this option through mandatory, supervised testing for substance use. If so you will then be assigned treatment and rehab based incarceration instead of serving jail time. The process for drug court is much different from a regular court. The process includes:

  • Waiving your due process rights and signing a preemptive confession
  • Commitment to attending drug treatment and rehabilitation
  • Committing to mandatory testing for drugs and alcohol
  • Consenting to be monitored to confirm program effectiveness
  • Committing to the attendance at a court-appointed or approved treatment facility

Court Ordered Rehab

If you have numerous DUI’s or have a history of committing substance-related crimes, the judge may recommend you participate in a rehabilitation program instead of going to jail/prison. The judge will typically only recommend this if you are a multiple offender, have several DUI’s, or otherwise have a proven track record of committing substance-related crimes, your judge may recommend you to a rehabilitation In this situation, you will be given the option of either going to jail or rehab, so you can choose which one you want to do. You may be able to initiate this option by discussing it with your attorney and asking them to recommend court-appointed rehabilitation.

Who Qualifies for Rehab Instead of Jail?

There are many people in the legal system that qualifies for rehab instead of jail, but it’s important that you discuss this option with your attorney. For instance, if you don’t have a physical dependence on drugs or alcohol, refuse to answer the questions about your drug abuse or addiction or do not appear to have a problem that can be corrected with rehab, rehabilitation will not be an option. Also, if you have a history of violent crimes, rehabilitation instead of jail or prison isn’t typically recommended, even if your current situation with the legal system isn’t for a violent crime.

The court will be particularly responsive to your request for rehab if your crime is directly related to your addiction. It is important to keep in mind that if your crime was premeditated, it suggests you would have committed the crime even if you weren’t suffering from addiction. There are a number of reasons why rehab is better than jail, but the most important reason is that it will help you kick your addiction. Research has shown that treatment in a guided rehabilitation facility does a better job of helping you get clean than being locked up in jail, but it must be something you want and not something you are doing simply to avoid incarceration. It is essential to keep in mind that going to rehab with legal problems will only help if you truly want to get clean and sober.

Get Help Today

If you or a loved one are suffering from drug and/or alcohol addiction, don’t be afraid to reach out to us. Contact us today to speak to an addiction professional and see in what ways we can help! At Grace Recovery, we’re all about getting you back on the right track.

How Depression And Addiction Work Together

Depression and substance abuse seem to go hand in hand. Does substance abuse lead to depression or does depression lead to substance addiction? In most cases, depression is considered a gateway to drug and alcohol use. Depression and substance abuse are in a cycle that feeds each other and one makes the other worse. They have what is called a bi-directional relationship. If a person abuses a substance, they are more likely to suffer from depression. If a person suffers from depression, there is likely to be a strong connection to substance abuse. The Journal of Clinical Psychology reports that 1 in 3 people that have an addiction suffer from depression and 1 in 4 people with a mental illness also abuse substances.

The National Bureau of Economic Research estimates that people diagnosed with mental illness account for 69% of the nation’s alcohol use and 84% of the nation’s cocaine use. Sometimes this is called self-medication and clinically depressed patients report that this helps them escape negative emotions. Drinking or drugs will often lift a mood temporarily and relieve guilt and melancholy, but many times they ultimately increase depression. When the drug abuse builds up a tolerance or comes to an end, the onset of depression becomes even worse.

Indicators of Depression

Typically, depression is seen as a lack of interest or fatigue, but those aren’t the only signs. Here is a checklist to think about:

  • Do you feel angry or irritable often?
  • Do hobbies or activities that you enjoy seem like a chore?
  • Are your sleep patterns changing?
  • Have you lost or gained weight? Any differences in appetite?
  • Does your mind race? Can you concentrate?
  • Do you feel uncontrollable guilt or despair?
  • Have you thought that you’d be better off dead or had any suicidal ideation?

If you drink alcohol or feel like you may have a drug addiction, here are some questions to answer that may indicate that you should seek help from a professional:

  • Do you find yourself trying to lessen your use of substances without success?
  • Do you spend a lot of time finding, using, and recovering from your drug of choice?
  • Do you have a hard time stopping and use for much longer than you intended?
  • Do you find yourself calling into work or missing school? Are you behind on taking care of things at home?
  • Do you abuse substances when it would put you or someone else in physical harm?
  • Have you developed so much of a tolerance that you need to use more than before?

When to Seek Treatment for Depression and Substance Abuse

If you suspect that you suffer from codependent substance abuse and depression, it is time for an evaluation. Counseling and medication are frequently necessary for what is termed a Dual Diagnosis. It is estimated that over 8.9 people suffer from a Dual Diagnosis but only 7.4% receive proper treatment. In addition, few programs exist that treat a Dual Diagnosis with co-occurring integrate treatment.

Oftentimes, when addiction has become a problem, immediate medical attention is needed in the form of in-patient or out-patient care. This is needed to replace the addiction with healthy behaviors, habits and coping strategies for depression while at the same time dealing with the even harsher depression that is often present from withdrawals of substances.

If you don’t have a treatment plan while you are stopping a drug habit, relapse is highly probable. Many medications exist along with therapy for the withdrawal symptoms associated with drugs and alcohol including medication for opioid withdrawal and alcohol withdrawal.

Sometimes a period of abstinence is necessary to get a proper medical diagnosis and treat the underlying causes of depression and substance abuse.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment of Depression and Addiction

Dual Diagnosis is complex. A traditional rehab program will not be able to handle the psychiatric problems of a patient with a typically treated detox program. Counseling, psychiatric evaluation and medication, individual counseling, peer and group counseling, and family support all play important roles.

Grace Recovery is located in Los Angeles, CA and targets Hollywood and the surrounding areas for state-of-the-art addiction treatment. They have a residential treatment center with luxurious amenities and the latest treatment for Dual Diagnosis. Visit gracerecovery.com for more information.


How to Quit Using Cocaine

Although cocaine use has decreased in recent years, many people still abuse this substance. Addiction to this drug can cause many difficulties and even trigger overdose and deaths. As a result, you may need to get addiction treatment to help quit coke and stay away from this drug for good.

Why People Struggle to Quit Cocaine

Cocaine addiction is a severe problem that affects around six percent of the addiction community. Many people struggle to quit using this drug for several reasons. First of all, many get used to the effects of this substance and need them to achieve success in life. For example, some may think that they need the excess energy provided by coke to stay focused at work or in their day-to-day tasks. As a result, they keep on abusing this substance.

Even worse, many people simply don’t believe that they have a problem. Perhaps they make good money and don’t notice how much they lose every time they abuse cocaine. Or maybe they just can’t accept that they have an addiction. This situation often results in a person angrily defending their use. Some might even increase their use as a way of coping with the stress related to this drug abuse. Unfortunately, this may lead to severe complications.

Even those who understand that they have a problem may struggle to quit because they are embarrassed or think that they can’t afford their treatment. Others may want to avoid the painful symptoms of withdrawal that may make addiction treatment difficult. These symptoms include:

  • Decreased pleasure in life
  • Irritability and anxiety
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Malaise and depression
  • Suspicious and paranoid feelings
  • Lower energy and physical capabilities
  • Intense cravings for cocaine

Thankfully, people who abuse this drug rarely suffer the kind of withdrawal familiar with drugs like heroin or alcohol. This substance simply metabolizes too quickly from the body to cause these symptoms. However, withdrawal can include a crash that may last several days and extreme cravings that can last for up to 12 weeks. Post-acute withdrawal syndrome can cause many complications that may last for years. Thankfully, addiction treatment can help.

How Addiction Treatment Can Help

While quitting coke is possible without any help, it can be a challenge. Trying to stop abusing coke or other drugs without specialized help is known as “going cold turkey.” It basically means that you quit abusing cocaine without withdrawal treatment. Unfortunately, this can trigger many concerns that challenge your recovery. For example, you’ll have to:

  • Stop taking coke in a way that minimizes your withdrawal
  • Go through withdrawal symptoms that may occur anyway
  • Manage post-acute withdrawal syndrome as it develops
  • Disengage from people who trigger abuse in your life

These steps can be very painful and difficult to manage. For example, you may struggle to focus on your recovery without a plan. Though getting through physical withdrawal may only take a week or two, you may still crave coke. Even worse, you may fall back into addiction patterns of abuse because you focus only on the physical aspects of your recovery.

So while it is possible to quit coke without addiction treatment – many people do it every year – you should probably still get help. These programs include inpatient and residential rehab programs that help you better understand the behaviors that influence your substance abuse.

You can also get outpatient rehab if you have to go to work or take care of children. Either of these options are compatible with group counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, and dual-diagnosis care. In this way, you can beat addiction for good and live a happy and healthy life.

How Aftercare Can Help

Addiction treatment for coke doesn’t stop the moment you quit your rehab care. Many people walk out of rehab ready to stay focused on their new sobriety. However, others need to stay focused using methods like aftercare. This care option utilizes a multitude of unique treatments to ensure that you stay sober. For example, you can learn how to manage your abuse triggers properly.

As a result, you may want to seriously consider aftercare if you are trying to quit cocaine. Addiction to this substance may haunt you for life if you don’t take the time to manage the after-effects of your treatment. You also need to pay special attention to your aftercare options. These include counseling options and even sober living environments. Sign up for this care to ensure you don’t abuse coke again.

Let Us Help You Recover

At Grace Recovery, we can provide many care options for those in the Hollywood and Los Angeles, CA area. We utilize the most up-to-date addiction treatment program to give you access to the kind of care that you need to quit cocaine for good. Our care specialists use detoxification and a residential inpatient program to ensure that you re in no pain while you recover.

How to Quit using Heroin

Heroin is one of the most addictive street drugs out there, and the epidemic is growing. According to a 2016 National Survey on drug use published in Drug Policy http://www.drugpolicy.org/drug-facts/how-many-people-use-heroin, roughly 475,000 people ages 12 and older have reported using heroin in the last month. Over 948,000 people reported using it in the last year, and 4,981,000 people reported using the drug at least once in their life. These statistics are grim, and they are getting worse all the time.

How Does a Heroin Addiction Develop?

When heroin is snorted, smoked, or injected, it enters the brain. There, it impacts the Opioid receptors in the brain, which bring on feelings of comfort and euphoria. Over time, the neurons in the brain begin to adapt to the drug, making it difficult to function normally without heroin. Without the drug, withdrawal symptoms start.

What Are the Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms?

Within 6 to 12-hours without the drug, the withdrawal symptoms will begin. The severity and length of time that you experience withdrawal symptoms depend on a few factors:

  • How long you have been using
  • How often you use
  • How much you are using
  • Your age
  • Your genetics
  • Your overall health
  • Whether you are addicted to alcohol or another drug.

The physical symptoms of withdrawal include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Chills
  • Bone pain
  • Cold sweats
  • Abdominal pain
  • Seizures

Heroin also causes psychological withdrawal symptoms that include:

  • Intense cravings
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Tremors
  • Agitation
  • Fatigue
  • Hallucinations

What Are the Dangers Of Quitting Cold Turkey?

Quitting heroin cold turkey is not a good idea for a few reasons. According to American Addiction Centers https://americanaddictioncenters.org/heroin-treatment/cold-turkey, people who try to quit heroin cold turkey are 60 to 90 percent more likely to relapse.

Trying to quit cold turkey can also be very harmful to your health. The vomiting and diarrhea caused by quitting heroin can cause you to become extremely dehydrated, which can be very dangerous to your health. When depression and anxiety begins, it can cause you to harm yourself and even consider suicide. In severe cases, seizures can occur, which is very serious.

Why Is Medical Detox Recommended for Heroin Addiction?

Medical detox from heroin makes the whole process more comfortable and much safer. During the detox process, you would be monitored by a medical professional. To prevent dehydration, you would be given IV fluids. You can also be prescribed medication such as buprenorphine. It is classified as an Opioid, but it doesn’t give you the feeling of euphoria that heroin does; therefore, it causes less physical dependence. This medication can be used in conjunction with the drub Suboxone. These drugs working together can help with the heroin cravings as well as the withdrawal symptoms.

There Is More To Recovery Than Detox

If you make it through the detox process, it doesn’t mean that your journey to sobriety has ended. There is more to giving up heroin for good than going to detox and getting the drug out of your system. If you are going to be successful in your sobriety, you are going to need to enter an inpatient addiction treatment center. The services provided in these facilities are essential to your sobriety.

  • One-on-one therapy: Most people start using heroin for a reason. For many, it is to self-medicate an underlying psychological issue. During your individual sessions, your therapist will help you get to the root of the cause of your addiction so that it can be treated.
  • Group therapy: During group therapy, you will sit with other addicts and a facilitator. It will give you a chance to tell your story and to hear other people’s stories. This will provide you with more insight into your addiction while creating a support system for yourself.
  • Family therapy: Addiction often puts rifts between you and your family members. When you leave the inpatient treatment center, you are going to need a support system. During family therapy, you can work with your family to mend your relationship.

Aftercare Services

When you have completed your time in treatment, the work doesn’t end there. Aftercare services are essential if you are going to stay sober when you are back in the real world. A few essential services include:

  • Sober living: Leaving inpatient treatment can be stressful. Sober living housing is the best way to ease your way back into your life.
  • One-on-one therapy: After leaving treatment, you will need to continue individual therapy with a counselor to maintain your sobriety.
  • 12-Step Program: Narcotics Anonymous provides an excellent support system when you leave treatment. Going to meetings with people who have been through what you have been through is essential to your sobriety.

Quitting heroin cold turkey is not recommended. Not only is the chance of relapse extremely high, but it can also be very dangerous. Grace Recovery is a state-of-the-art addiction treatment program where you can get the help that you need. Upon checking in, you would go to our detoxification program, so that you can get the drugs out of your system safely. Once you have successfully detoxed, you would go to our inpatient treatment center, where we will provide all of the essential services to help you be successful in your recovery.


How to Make the Most of Your Stay in Rehab

Any recovering addict agrees on one thing; there is life after quitting the habit. You have accepted that you were once vulnerable to either alcohol or substance abuse. Congratulations! You have passed the first step towards recovery. So, what is your next step? Of course, you will check yourself into the nearest rehabilitation center for treatment and counseling sessions. However, you need to accept the fact that your life is about to change completely. Here are some tips to make your stay comfortable.

Develop a positive attitude towards the process

The rehabilitation process sounds like a tedious process that involves medications and therapies. It is perfectly normal to fear the unknown. Always remember that the people who offer these services have your best interest at heart. It is not the time to reflect on the mistakes you made in the past. Trusting the rehab process not only helps you to develop a positive attitude in your journey, but it also allows you to accept unhealthy habits you had in the past. How do you go about this?

You have the power to shape your future. Accept the challenges that come with ditching your addiction. Therapists and counselors are trained to handle each individual differently. So each time you feel discouraged, don’t hesitate to communicate your feelings.

Embrace a healthy lifestyle

During your drug addiction, you may have avoided healthy living standards such as a balanced diet, exercising, meditation, or taking part in developmental projects. Consequently, you have compromised the wellness of your body. Well, it isn’t too late to start over. You see, change comes from within you.

In rehab, you will meet nutritional experts and life coaches who will walk you through healthy habits. You will learn the importance of adopting healthy eating habits rather than letting you perceive of it as a chore. The healthier you are, the easier it is for you to recover fully.

Decide whether you need to detox

Did you know that detox is the first step towards early addiction treatment? The process helps to remove the toxic substances you have consumed during your addiction. You need to bear in mind all the challenges that come with it. You may experience withdrawal symptoms such as hallucinations, nausea, anxiety, and hallucinations among others. Remember, it is part of the healing process that takes between three and seven days.

Before checking into rehab, decide whether you are willing to go through the detox process. The specialists will determine the severity of your current condition to decide whether or not you are fit to undergo the procedure. After that, they will let you decide if you agree to the process.

Be mentally prepared for the therapy

You may be a first-time or a returning patient, but that doesn’t mean you are mentally prepared for what awaits you. Once you have checked into the facility, you will be given a timetable that determines your appointments. These appointments are tailored to allow you to discuss essential topics. Feel free to write down some of the topics you want to discuss. Don’t forget to inform them about your experiences. They may not be as bad as you may think.

Prepare for Life After Rehab

A rehab facility can be likened to a cooking recipe that guides you on how to prepare specific meals. It will highlight the ingredients and procedures to ensure you cook even if you aren’t a professional chef. After that, it is up to you to light the fire.

You are getting prepared for life after rehab is one of the essential things you need to consider. Of course, the drugs have already been eliminated from your system, making you less vulnerable to withdrawal symptoms. However, the cravings for the drugs may not wear off completely.

During your stay, it is essential to determine a hobby that will prevent you from going back to your old habits. Take this time to discover what you are good at. Is it painting, watching movies, or reading novels? As long as you develop the right attitude towards this process, you will still discover that there is more to life away from alcohol or drugs.


Using drugs in the past isn’t the end of life. You can still be a productive person after accepting your past misfortunes by checking into a rehab facility. Here, you will go through detox and therapeutic sessions to help you recover physically and mentally. Once you have adjusted to the program, you will realize that you can still reconnect with your loved ones and lead a healthier lifestyle. It is not the time to feel sorry for yourself. Instead, it is the perfect moment to unravel your potential as a valuable asset to the community. Remember, many people made it despite losing hope in life.

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, contact us today. Grace Recovery is always here to help and we will be there for you every step of the way.


What Happens When You Mix Vicodin and Alcohol?

Many people mix Vicodin and alcohol to enhance their buzz. Even if you have a legitimate Vicodin prescription, drinking while you’re taking the medication can be dangerous. If you have trouble abstaining from alcohol even though you know that consuming it with Vicodin can have fatal effects, you might be suffering from addiction. Vicodin Contains Chemicals that Don’t Mix Well With Alcohol Vicodin is a prescription painkiller that contains hydrocodone and acetaminophen. The hydrocodone alters the way that pain signals interact with your brain. Acetaminophen is a pain and fever reducer. Even though you might think that acetaminophen is harmless because it’s sold over the counter, it shouldn’t be mixed with alcohol. Taking the recommended dosage of acetaminophen with moderate amounts of alcohol can increase your risk of kidney disease. Acetaminophen and alcohol have also been linked to kidney disease. Vicodin and Alcohol Slow Down Your Nervous System Because Vicodin is an opioid, it depresses the central nervous system. The medication can suppress your respiration rate, making you breathe slower than you normally would. This can diminish the amount of oxygen that you get. If you have taken painkillers for a significant period of time, you may notice that you’ve started snoring when you sleep. You may feel drowsy and sluggish during the day. These are signs that you’re not getting enough oxygen. When you add alcohol into the mix, your respiration rate can fall to dangerous levels. Alcohol makes your neurotransmitters fire more slowly and affects almost every organ, including the lungs. Sometimes, people experience shortness of breath, chest pain or a stuffy nose when they drink alcohol. Drinking regularly can even increase your risk of developing life-threatening respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia and COPD. Signs of Overdose Some people consume Vicodin and alcohol together because both substances can temporarily relieve pain. If you’ve been taking painkillers for some time, you might develop a tolerance. Adding another chemical to the mix can make you feel better, but it may have disastrous results. Others simply drink because it’s part of their lifestyle. You might not have an alcohol addiction or a drinking problem. Still, combining these substances can increase your chances of overdosing. Common side effects from taking Vicodin and alcohol include: Slurred speech Trouble remembering things Difficulty concentrating Impaired judgment Uncontrolled eye movements Stupor Liver problems Cardiac arrest Stroke Even if you haven’t exceeded your regular Vicodin dosage, you can overdose if you combine the drug with alcohol. Overdose symptoms can come on at different rates depending on your history with substances and the amount that you consumed. If you experience slow breathing, reduced heart rate, cold, clammy skin, pinpoint pupils, drowsiness, confusion, muscle spasms or loss of consciousness while taking these drugs, contact a medical professional. If you have combined Vicodin and alcohol more than once, you may want to seek help. It can be hard to stop drinking or using medication that helps control your pain. At Grace Recovery Community, we offer an alcohol detox program as part of our holistic approach to treatment. Some other therapies that we provide include: Support groups Psychoeducation Relapse prevention Trauma-informed yoga Acupuncture You can live a healthy, fulfilling life without being controlled by drugs. Find out how we can help you build a solid foundation for recovery by calling *DM_DirectNumber format=period*.

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