Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Why It’s Necessary

Drug abuse is not a simple issue. For most of those suffering from an addiction, simply going through detox and deciding not to use again is not enough to actually curb the problem. Instead, increasing research shows that the key to long-term recovery from addiction is a combination of behavioral and mental health approaches. 

If you or a loved one are currently suffering from addiction and a mental health disorder(s), here’s what you need to know. 

What Is a Dual Diagnosis Program? 

Drug addiction and mental health issues are often referred to as Co-occurring Disorders, the two have a direct effect on each other. If the mental health aspect is left untreated, for example, affected individuals may turn back to drug abuse (either the same substance or a different one from before) in order to ease their symptoms.

Modern dual-diagnosis treatment works to prevent this by treating addiction and mental health disorders at the same time. While working on curbing addictive behavior, individuals are able to confront the mental aspect that causes the behavior in the first place.

Now, every case is different and the details of each person’s addiction treatment program will vary as a result. This is why at Grace Recovery, we take the time to diagnose patients upfront and lay out a detailed plan for recovery. Many patients will need to go through detox before intensive treatment can begin, but this stage will only be the beginning. The goal is to achieve long-term addiction recovery by getting to the root of the problem and treating it accordingly. What follows is often a combination of group and individual therapy, mental health counseling (and as needed, medical care), and behavioral therapy.

What Are the Benefits?

The primary benefit of dual-diagnosis treatment is the increased likelihood of long-term addiction recovery. That said, there are other benefits to consider as well:

  • Individualized care – A dual-diagnosis program acknowledges that there are many different root causes of addiction and works to treat them on a more personal level than other kinds of addiction treatment programs. 
  • Better understanding of your condition – Many people abuse substances without fully being able to explain why. A dual-diagnosis program can bring peace of mind by helping you better understand your behavior and how you can regain control.
  • Steady progress – Because the treatment goes beyond just detox, patients are able to take the time to really change. Each day is a new opportunity to learn new skills and make progress. 
  • Improve health – Health is both in the body and the mind. A dual-diagnosis program covers both and helps patients become healthier in every aspect. 

Why Is It Necessary?

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, nearly 10 million American adults suffer from both a mental illness and drug abuse problem every year. And that’s just including those who were officially diagnosed with both kinds of disorders. Many of those suffering from addiction do not even have the opportunity for their mental health to be examined, allowing the lead cause to go ignored. And because dual-diagnosis programs are still relatively new, many other people still do not have the opportunity to treat both areas, thus letting the vicious cycle of addiction continue.

But while many of today’s addiction treatment programs are based on older research and focus on addiction’s physical aspects, the dual-diagnosis programs that are rising up provide a source of hope. As mentioned earlier, it is imperative to treat the root cause of drug abuse in order to successfully end it. Research also shows that individuals who focus on changing their behavior while identifying their mental urge to abuse drugs and alcohol at the same time have higher long-term success rates. This focused treatment then flows into aftercare, which often include mental health counseling for months or even years following the initial treatment program. Dual-diagnosis treatment is therefore necessary, and without it, relapse rates remain all too high. 

Let Us Help

We pride ourselves on going far beyond basic addiction treatment at Grace Recovery. Our approach diagnoses both addiction and the mental health disorders (anxiety, depression, etc.) that go in conjunction. Patients are then able to undergo intensive treatment in both areas at our state-of-the-art facility in Hollywood, CA. We believe that dual-diagnosis treatment is not just beneficial — it is necessary for long-term recovery. We invite you to get in touch to learn more about how we can help you. 


Talking About Anxiety

Anxiety: it’s real and it can make you feel absolutely terrible. Constant worrying, feeling like something is always wrong, and obsessive thoughts are all feelings caused by being anxious. It can be difficult to articulate how you’re actually feeling when you’re anxious. A lot of people don’t feel comfortable talking about their anxiety because they’re scared of sounding ridiculous. At Grace Recovery, we want to end the stigma of anxiety being made up or ridiculous. We know the cure to anxiety isn’t being told “you worry too much” or “stop worrying, it doesn’t matter”. Your feelings do matter. 

If you’re currency struggling with anxiety, it’s important to talk about it. There are also certain coping techniques that can help minimize your anxiety. 

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues that you can develop. About 19% of adults in the past year had anxiety disorder and 31% of adults have experienced some form of an anxiety disorder in their lifetime. So, the next time you’re worried that no one will understand what you’re going through, try to remember that you’re definitely not alone in this. 

Anxiety is feelings of worry and fear. Since anxiety can be a reaction to a stressful situation, everyone will experience anxiety from time to time. If you have a big presentation coming up at work or if you have a child who is often sick, you’ll probably feel anxious and that’s ok. Anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety, go beyond feelings of being worried and nervous. 

Generalized anxiety disorder, also known as GAD, is exaggerated worry and tension for months on end. GAD can be diagnosed when a person spends six months or more worrying about something without a specific focus or fear. 

In addition, people who suffer from anxiety may also suffer from panic attacks from time to time. These are intense moments of anxiety that lead to sweating, fear, a rising heart rate, and shortness of breath. These are often broken by benzodiazepines such as Xanax; however, these medications are addictive and should not be used as a long-term solution.

Effects of Anxiety

While anxiety affects your mental health, it can also affect your physical health. The constant worrying and stress can cause muscle aches, headaches, hot flashes, and even high blood pressure. 

Anxiety can affect your personal and professional relationships as well. If you’re experiencing tremendous anxiety and are unable to go to social events or be with friends, they may feel like you’re being distant. If you’re anxious and unable to focus at work, your job performance may start to decline. Because of this, it’s important to let those around you know how you’re feeling. 

Reach Out and Get Help

Don’t be afraid to talk about anxiety, you have nothing to be ashamed of. The more you keep it inside and bottled up, the worse it can get. You’ll be surprised at how reliving it can be to look at yourself in the mirror and say “I’m anxious. I am experiencing anxiety”. It will probably provide immediate, temporary, relief. 

Confiding in friends or family and seeking professional help is also extremely helpful when dealing with anxiety. Your friends and family will be happy to support you and provide a shoulder to lean on. A therapist or counselor will be able to help you dig a little deeper and try to figure out why you’re experiencing anxiety in the first place. You can then work together to figure out the coping skills you need to feel better.

Exercise, meditation, and yoga are all also great activities to do when you’re feeling anxious. Exercising will help release the happy chemicals in your brain. Meditation and yoga are amazing tools to clear your head and lessen your worries. 

Let Us Help

At Grace Recovery, we are an addiction treatment program based out of the heart of Hollywood, CA. We know that addiction has the potential to impact anyone in the Los Angeles, CA area which is why we are here to help. We provide luxurious amenities along with the latest in substance abuse programming at our detoxification and residential inpatient addiction treatment programs. If you are looking for help with mental health issues, substance abuse, or addiction recovery, please contact us today to learn more about how we can help you! 

Does Codependency Play a Role in Addiction?

Relationships are the foundation of modern-day society. Because of relationships, families are formed and businesses are built. Humans have an innate need to connect with one another emotionally. As we grow up we learn to care about people other than ourselves. We grow fond of our family, friends, coworkers, and sometimes even become attached. When we start to put others before ourselves and feel emotionally fulfilled when they need us, we can become codependent. Addiction and codependency often go hand in hand because addiction not only affects the person suffering from it, but also the people around them. Codependency often forms when an addict starts to take advantage of people who are trying to help them. If this pattern emerges, it will only make it harder for someone to break free from the chains and bonds of addiction.

What is Codependency?

Without a doubt, it can be hard to watch a loved one hurt themself and others by using drugs and alcohol. At the same time, individuals who are suffering from addiction might unknowingly start to take advantage of those who are trying to help them. When this takes place, this is called codependency. The people that are generally at risk of codependent relationships are parents, significant others, and family members. 

Parents often find themselves in codependent relationships because they want to help their addict child. If their child asks for money for food or rent, the parents are hesitant to say no because they don’t want their kid to not have food or a place to live. While they think they’re helping, they’re actually just providing the addict with a means to get high. Codependency can become habit-forming and it also leads to enabling. 

It’s challenging for people to pick up on codependency and enablement if they don’t know what to look for. The most important thing people need to remember is that this type of behavior is only going to encourage someone who is suffering from addiction to continue using drugs. If a parent tries to hide their spouse’s behavior from the children in an effort to protect them, they’re actually just shielding the addict from seeing how their actions impact their family.

There are a few characteristics of codependent behavior that people should be aware of. Codependency is incredibly dangerous for people who struggle with addiction. Someone in a codependent relationship is going to have an exaggerated degree of responsibility to the person who is struggling with addiction. Someone in a codependent relationship is also going to work hard to do far more than their fair share at all times. Finally, someone in a codependent relationship is also going to have an extreme degree of guilt about the situation, therefore they may feel trapped in the relationship. 

How Does it Affect Addiction?

Codependency fuels addiction. Why is someone going to stop using drugs or alcohol if they know their loved ones will give them money and provide them with a place to live? Codependency gives the addict inherent permission to continue using drugs or alcohol because they think they’ll always be ok. 

Codependency is also dangerous because the nonaddict often makes excuses for the addict. If an addict is high and unable to go to a family gathering, they’ll probably rely on their significant other to tell the family. This can encourage the nonaddict to lie and make excuses when they definitely shouldn’t have to. 

A codependent relationship is going to shield someone with addiction from the consequences of their actions. This is going to end up furthering someone’s addiction, making it harder to recover when that person finally reaches rock bottom and looks for help. 

Let Us Help You with Addiction Treatment!

At Grace Recovery, we are a brand new state-of-the-art addiction treatment program located in the heart of Hollywood, CA. We have been designed to take advantage of the beautiful area of Los Angeles, CA to help individuals and families recover from addiction. We provide luxurious amenities along with the latest in substance abuse programming at our detoxification and residential inpatient program. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, please contact us today!


Top 5 Signs of Depression and How To Get Help

All of us, at some point in life, face sadness, loneliness, and depression. It is the rational way to react to life challenges, loss, damaged self-esteem, and heartbreaks. However, these feelings can quickly change from normal to real physical symptoms of depression, mental health, and stress, especially when they last longer, get worse by the day or prevent you from running your day smoothly. That’s when it’s time to seek medical help.

Your regular doctor should check for depression and mental health in order to administer the right treatment or refer you to an expert. Recognizing and accepting to be helped is key to proper recovery as most people never know they have depression and therefore never seek help.

What is Depression?

Like already mentioned, depression is characterized by longer-lasting hopelessness and despair. Depression naturally changes how you feel, think, and function in your daily activities. It can quickly interfere with your ability to work, eat, study, sleep, and see the positivity of life. Just getting through the day can seem overwhelming, and many people often describe this as a feeling of impending doom or “living in a black hole.” Others describe it as feeling empty, apathetic, and lifeless. Men may feel restless and angry.

However, its imperative to keep in mind that depression can quickly get serious if left untreated. Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness should never be overlooked but do not necessarily have to be the reality of your situation. By understanding the source of your depression and knowing what to look for in the signs and symptoms, you can take the first steps towards your treatment and recovery journey.

Signs of Depression

While hopelessness and helplessness are easy to recognize, there are many other symptoms that may be less obvious and difficult to detect. However, it’s essential to note that some of these signs may also be signs of other underlying medical issues. If you have the following symptoms, it’s time to see your doctor and start a treatment and recovery plan.

1. Weird Sleeping Habits

Depression is characterized by a change in sleeping habits as there is a strong link to moods and sleep. Lack of sleep naturally contributes to depression, and on the other hand, depression will make it difficult to sleep. Based on a study by the National Sleep Foundation, people who don’t sleep or people with insomnia are ten times more likely to have depression than those who usually sleep. Consequently, oversleeping or sleeping too much can also indicate depression.

2. Fatigue

It’s not reasonable to feel excessive fatigue when you haven’t done any physical work. Extreme tiredness is one sure sign of depression. However, it may also be a sign of another illness or condition. While its normal to feel tired once in a while, persistent or continuous fatigue, particularly if it is accompanied by other symptoms listed in this article, may signal depression.

3. Weight Changes and Appetite

Diseases and conditions can significantly contribute to appetite and weight changes. However, eating too much or too little also signals depression. Some depressed individuals may turn to food for comfort while others may completely lose interest in food or have a bad raw mood to food, hence eating little. These changes in eating habits have a consequence of gaining or losing weight. Dramatic weight changes can exacerbate depression as they also come with lowering self-esteem.

4. Drug Use and Alcohol

Some people may turn to drug use and alcohol to help them deal with their feelings of loneliness, sadness, and helplessness. According to the report by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), around 1 in 5 people with anxiety, mental health, or a mood disorder like depression suffer drug and alcohol use disorder. Conversely, the same number of people who use drugs and alcohol are likely to have a mood disorder.

5. Loss of Concentration and Happiness

When a person loses their train of thought or trails off during conversations, it can be a sign that they have a problem with concentration and memory–a common symptom of depression. Hidden depression is usually displayed by a fake smile or forced happiness when in the company of other people. However, this may not last long, and people may begin noticing the change in happiness and concentration.

How and When To Get Help

If you realize you have various symptoms of depression, it is imperative that you consider seeking help from a healthcare professional like a psychotherapist or doctor or even loved ones. Excellent mental health is essential in helping you deal with depression as it will assist you to accept that you are depressed and have the will to seek medical treatment from professionals. If you are concerned about a loved one having hidden depression or slowly losing interest in almost everything they loved, you should try speaking to them while offering non-judgmental support and advise them to seek medical help. This will not only help hasten recovery but also reduce the risk of suicide.


How Depression And Addiction Work Together

Depression and substance abuse seem to go hand in hand. Does substance abuse lead to depression or does depression lead to substance addiction? In most cases, depression is considered a gateway to drug and alcohol use. Depression and substance abuse are in a cycle that feeds each other and one makes the other worse. They have what is called a bi-directional relationship. If a person abuses a substance, they are more likely to suffer from depression. If a person suffers from depression, there is likely to be a strong connection to substance abuse. The Journal of Clinical Psychology reports that 1 in 3 people that have an addiction suffer from depression and 1 in 4 people with a mental illness also abuse substances.

The National Bureau of Economic Research estimates that people diagnosed with mental illness account for 69% of the nation’s alcohol use and 84% of the nation’s cocaine use. Sometimes this is called self-medication and clinically depressed patients report that this helps them escape negative emotions. Drinking or drugs will often lift a mood temporarily and relieve guilt and melancholy, but many times they ultimately increase depression. When the drug abuse builds up a tolerance or comes to an end, the onset of depression becomes even worse.

Indicators of Depression

Typically, depression is seen as a lack of interest or fatigue, but those aren’t the only signs. Here is a checklist to think about:

  • Do you feel angry or irritable often?
  • Do hobbies or activities that you enjoy seem like a chore?
  • Are your sleep patterns changing?
  • Have you lost or gained weight? Any differences in appetite?
  • Does your mind race? Can you concentrate?
  • Do you feel uncontrollable guilt or despair?
  • Have you thought that you’d be better off dead or had any suicidal ideation?

If you drink alcohol or feel like you may have a drug addiction, here are some questions to answer that may indicate that you should seek help from a professional:

  • Do you find yourself trying to lessen your use of substances without success?
  • Do you spend a lot of time finding, using, and recovering from your drug of choice?
  • Do you have a hard time stopping and use for much longer than you intended?
  • Do you find yourself calling into work or missing school? Are you behind on taking care of things at home?
  • Do you abuse substances when it would put you or someone else in physical harm?
  • Have you developed so much of a tolerance that you need to use more than before?

When to Seek Treatment for Depression and Substance Abuse

If you suspect that you suffer from codependent substance abuse and depression, it is time for an evaluation. Counseling and medication are frequently necessary for what is termed a Dual Diagnosis. It is estimated that over 8.9 people suffer from a Dual Diagnosis but only 7.4% receive proper treatment. In addition, few programs exist that treat a Dual Diagnosis with co-occurring integrate treatment.

Oftentimes, when addiction has become a problem, immediate medical attention is needed in the form of in-patient or out-patient care. This is needed to replace the addiction with healthy behaviors, habits and coping strategies for depression while at the same time dealing with the even harsher depression that is often present from withdrawals of substances.

If you don’t have a treatment plan while you are stopping a drug habit, relapse is highly probable. Many medications exist along with therapy for the withdrawal symptoms associated with drugs and alcohol including medication for opioid withdrawal and alcohol withdrawal.

Sometimes a period of abstinence is necessary to get a proper medical diagnosis and treat the underlying causes of depression and substance abuse.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment of Depression and Addiction

Dual Diagnosis is complex. A traditional rehab program will not be able to handle the psychiatric problems of a patient with a typically treated detox program. Counseling, psychiatric evaluation and medication, individual counseling, peer and group counseling, and family support all play important roles.

Grace Recovery is located in Los Angeles, CA and targets Hollywood and the surrounding areas for state-of-the-art addiction treatment. They have a residential treatment center with luxurious amenities and the latest treatment for Dual Diagnosis. Visit gracerecovery.com for more information.


How to Deal With Anxiety in Sobriety

When you stop drinking or using your drug of choice, you have to start learning other ways to deal with negative feelings. Anxiety is one of the worst because you can’t find a direct solution.

It is normal to feel anxiety in early sobriety, as you start to feel the changes involved in physical, mental and spiritual recovery. You still can’t imagine what your life will be like as you practice your new way of living, and it can feel overwhelming.

Here are some great ways to deal with anxiety in sobriety:

Live in the now.

There’s a reason that one of the first slogans you learn is “One day at a time.” No human could handle living in different moments at the same time. You will eventually have fewer regrets about the past and fewer fears about the future, but in the beginning, you can remind yourself that you only have to deal with one day at a time.

Most people find it helpful to break that down when they feel particularly anxious. You can tell yourself you only have to get through this afternoon, this hour, this minute, or this second before you move to the next one. Life is less stressful when you handle it in small bites.


If you haven’t practiced it before, you will hopefully be learning some useful meditation techniques in your treatment program. You can practice meditation anywhere at almost any time during any break in your day. You can even use an App to get guided meditations. The less time you feel like you have to meditate, the greater need you have for it.


This is a great way to help focus your mind that also supports your physical recovery. Yoga relieves stress and helps you learn to focus on and control your breathing. There are even 12-step yoga meetings where the focus is on recovery.

Talk to someone.

Addiction is a disease of isolation. It’s easy once you start feeling anxious to lose perspective and begin to skew the way you’re looking at things. You can convince yourself of almost any terrible thing if you don’t talk to someone to get perspective. Alone, you can obsess over the smallest thing and turn it into a disaster.

You don’t have to just use a professional therapist, although individual therapy is helpful for many issues. You can also keep handy the phone number of your sponsor, other AA or NA members, trusted friends, and family. Even dropping in on a meeting and letting strangers know that you’re feeling anxious can help tremendously.

Learn to identify what stresses you out.

Your triggers might not be rational at all. You may feel anxious in the afternoon, because that was the time you used to go drink, or when you pass certain locations in your neighborhood. You will find it easier to deal with your feelings by identifying your triggers and being ready for them.

If it bothers you to pass the bar where you used to drink, it wouldn’t hurt anything to take a different route. If you feel anxious in the evening, set up a regular call to your sponsor at that time. While you won’t be able to identify every single thing in your life that causes you anxiety, you can practice self-awareness and identify as many as possible. Then you can make a plan to be proactive and deal with all your triggers head-on.

Your Journey to Recovery Can Begin Today

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, you don’t have to wait to get help. At Grace Recovery, we offer abstinence-based treatment in the heart of Hollywood, CA. You can start your road to recovery in our luxurious accommodations, without the distractions of the outside world. Don’t wait to start your new way of living — call today to see if we can help.

How to Deal with Depression in Sobriety

Depression is a mental illness that can occur multiple times. The American Psychiatric Association even said that half of the people diagnosed with major depression often suffer a second episode. Apparently, 80% of those who suffered a second episode ends up having a third episode as well. The exact cause of depression is still a mystery yet it is connected to traumatic events, family history of depression, and addiction to alcohol and substance.

Addiction and Depression

Depression episode is different for every depressed individual. However, the symptoms are always the same. A depressed individual feels worthless, anxious, irritable, and lacks concentration among others. For a person who just came out of rehab, depression is always expected.

A sober alcoholic often comes with these symptoms of depression:

  • Feeling hopeless
  • Feeling guilty of why he or she became an addict
  • Feeling tired of everything around him or her
  • Wanting to taste alcohol or drugs again

Depression relapse can challenge your sobriety. This is normal. What you have to do is to acknowledge it. You are feeling depressed and you have to accept what’s coming, the symptoms. Once you accepted it, take your medication. People who are from a detox do self-medication. Be aware of how long you have been suffering. If it is taking more than a week, you better check with your doctor.

Treating Depression

For a recovering addict, treating depression can be difficult. In fact, treating depression alone is difficult. During recovery, sobriety can be put at risk once depression sets in. Imagine waking up with a sinking feeling. The next thing you know, you are reaching out a bottle of vodka again. For this reason, it is important to stay connected with a support group.

If you just came out from a rehab, ask your treatment program provider if they can suggest a support group for you. Keep your family close as well. Your family’s love and support can go a long way to continue your recovery and to fight attacks of depression.

Knowing the Symptoms of Depression

If you just came out of a treatment facility, you should be aware of the symptoms of depression. Your full recovery depends on understanding these symptoms and taking appropriate steps to deal with it.

  • Inability to sleep or having excessive sleep
  • Losing interest with your regular routine
  • Lack of energy even when you haven’t done anything yet
  • Losing focus or having a shorter span of attention
  • Losing or having an excessive appetite
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Feeling worthless
  • Feeling anxious for no reason
  • Having thoughts of death and how it can help you gain peace of mind

Watching out for Relapse

If you are able to maintain your sobriety, chances are you won’t have relapses. Being sober will help you watch out for possible symptoms of depression. If you can address the symptoms before it gets worst, you have a chance to beat depression and relapses.

Surviving a severe depression should be considered a victory. If you went through one and got through it, be proud of yourself. It is a big achievement. If you are feeling okay, don’t settle with it. You should find ways to feel much better. That way, you can avoid having a relapse.

To fight depression and relapse, you should slowly gain your self-worth from within. Self-worth that comes from within means knowing your worth as a person and loving yourself. After recovery, you often receive positive reinforcement and applauses from friends, families, and loved ones. These praises often become your external validation of self-worth. This is dangerous. Once the hype is gone and no one praises you anymore, you will start feeling down again and relapse can set it.

Still Struggling with Sobriety and Depression?

Dealing with addiction and depression can make you feel like you have nowhere to go. It can make you feel like a sore loser. It is important for you to remember that you are not. Remember, when you are so down, there is no other way but to go up. This is what recovery is all about.

The road to complete recovery and sobriety is by admitting that you have a problem. Once you accept this fact, you can start taking a treatment program. If you are in the Hollywood, CA area, you can check rehab facilities that offer treatment programs for alcoholics. Most facilities in the CA area like Grace Recovery comes with stare-of-the-art- addiction treatment program that can help you with your addiction.

Aside from getting treated with the latest substance abuse programming from Grace Recovery, they can also offer you extended support to prevent depression from setting in. They can provide you with a holistic or group therapy, depending on what suits your personality. Don’t let depression steal your sobriety. You worked hard to be sober so continue working hard to fight depression as well.

The Benefits of a Dual-Diagnosis Program

Sometimes depression and addiction go hand in hand and anxiety and addiction too. Depression and anxiety lead people to use drugs and alcohol to alter their moods and help them feel better. It leads to having two different disorder that needs to be treated. Many rehabilitation and recovery centers do not have dual treatment programs. At Grace Recovery, we have two dual treatment programs that address the problem of depression, anxiety, and addictions.

Anxiety and Addiction Treatment

Anxiety disorders often lead to the abuse of drug and alcohol to cope with the feelings it brings. Many people do not seek help but medicate themselves with alcohol and drugs. Treating anxiety with medications and therapy can prevent it from leading to an addiction. When a patient needs anxiety and addiction treatment, we offer 30, 60, or 90 days of inpatient treatment. For very serious cases detox is needed. It helps the patients deal with the side effects of getting off alcohol or drugs.

When a person goes through detox, they are supervised medically by our trained staff. They use medication to minimize the side effects of withdrawal. Their physical and mental health is closely monitored. They eventually participate in programs that help them with the process. Activities are individual therapy,  group therapy, holistic activities and taking the right medications. for the detox program. We have many ways to treat different types of drug or alcohol addictions.

Anxiety has many symptoms like trouble sleeping,  racing thoughts, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, tremors, panic attacks, and fear.  We have many therapies for anxiety to help patients cope and change their behavior. Patients can talk with qualified therapists or social worker, group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, learn meditation, take medications, yoga,  participate in exercise programs,  and try new hobbies.

Benefits of Dual Treatment for Anxiety and Addiction

When you have two disorders it can lead to treating one or the other. Often this fails because it does not treat both disorders. It can lead to a cycle of treatment as an outpatient and relapse with the need for inpatient care. If you are treated just for addiction it can lead to relapse because the anxiety and the cause of the addiction is not addressed. Treating both disorders with dual diagnosis leads to recovery, and we have outpatient and aftercare services available to help you return to the community.

Depression and Addiction Treatment

Severe depression sometimes leads to alcohol or drug addiction. Those with an addiction often suffer from depression. Depression causes sadness, apathy, lack of energy, aches, and pains, sleep problems, anger, loss of appetitive, and trouble concentrating.  Without treatment, it can lead to problems with addiction. Often when someone is treated for depression it prevents them from developing an addiction. Many people with depression do not seek treatment.

When a patient has an alcohol or drug addiction we treat the addiction first. Often we begin with detox for 30, 60, or 90 days depending on the severity of the addiction. During that time the patient is supervised by the medical staff to ensure they get off the substance with a  minimum of symptoms.  Patients often take medications to helps them cope with withdrawal. They often attend group therapy, individual therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy,  participate in exercise and relaxation exercises.

After the addiction has been dealt with they are given therapy to deal with the depression. It can be on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Both provide individual counseling, group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, developing an exercise and diet routine, meditation, yoga and developing new hobbies.  Treating both addiction and depression can prevent relapse. Outpatient therapy for both anxiety and depression offer patients an organized routine and the benefit of having their family participate.

After the person is discharged from Grace Recovery, we help them with aftercare. This means often helping them develop skills to find jobs and return to school. We teach them valuable skills about money, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and joining social groups. We have therapy groups, medication management, and assistance with finding a place to live.

Benefits of Our Dual Treatments Programs

There are few places like Rose Recovery that treat anxiety, depression, and addictions together. The benefits are that long term treatment can keep the patient from relapse and help them to recover more quickly. They teach valuable skills to help patients cope with the road to recovery. We are located in Los Angeles, CA  near  Hollywood.  Call today to learn more about our dual treatment program at 1-866-431-6302 or fill out our online form.

What Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

There’s a lot more that goes into treating addiction than just detox. In fact, people have to learn to deal with the underlying problems that cause addiction in the first place. For this reason, dual diagnosis programs are essential. With that said, what is dual diagnosis treatment? What Is Dual Diagnosis Care? To make it easier to understand the benefits of dual diagnosis treatment, people have to know what it is. Primarily, it focuses on treating multiple mental disorders at the same time. In most cases, it treats addiction and any underlying psychiatric conditions that accompany it. For example, depression often occurs alongside addiction. A dual diagnosis treatment program focuses on treating the addiction and addressing the depression. Long-lasting addiction recovery heavily depends on dealing with this underlying cause. If people don’t address it, then their chances of relapse are higher once rehab ends. What Are the Benefits of Dual Diagnosis Programs? Having a better understanding of dual diagnosis treatment makes it easier to understand its benefits. The main advantage is that it reduces the likelihood of relapse. If addiction is the result of an underlying mental disorder, treating that disorder can prevent relapse. Dual diagnosis care also makes it easier for people to plan for the future. When they suffer from multiple mental conditions, it’s hard for them to make long-term plans. With dual diagnosis treatment, they can look toward the future. Furthermore, dual diagnosis treatment teaches people great coping skills. Once again, these skills can help them avoid relapse after treatment. They allow people to deal with situations that typically lead them to use drugs. Holistic Therapy and Dual Diagnosis Treatment Go Hand in Hand Dealing with certain mental disorders requires more than just therapy. For instance, helping people overcome depression involves lowering stress. Because of that, holistic treatment is very beneficial. However, what is holistic therapy? Holistic services involve treating the body as a whole rather than just parts of it. In fact, doctors refer to holistic care as treatment that focuses on healing the body, mind, and spirit. Numerous holistic therapy options work well with a dual diagnosis treatment program. Yoga, meditation, and acupuncture are only a few examples. Working these services into dual diagnosis treatment can do wonders to aid recovery. Let Us Help You With Your Addiction Do you struggle with addiction or want to know more about what is dual diagnosis care? Consider Grace Recovery for your treatment. We offer both traditional and holistic options. Some of the services that our staff members provide include: On-site detox Holistic treatment Aftercare Partial hospitalization program Don’t sit around any longer wondering, “What is dual diagnosis treatment?” Learn more about this type of program with the help of our recovery community. Reach out to our friendly staff today at *DM_DirectNumber format=period*.

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